all i want for christmas

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hi hello how are you today everyone

since halloween is over it's time for ((our weekly obsessions)) christmas one-shots!!


also side note i'm writing this partly on my school computer because i'm a rebel but i usually use my ipad so if the spacing seems weird that's why

kay enjoyyyyyyyy


Mitch was roaming the mall. He had nothing do to because Scott had work, so he was trying to pass the time until he got off.

Mitch smiled as he saw the huge Christmas display in the middle of the atrium thing of the mall. He remembered going there to get a picture with Santa Clause when he was younger. The brunette decided to do it again just for old times' sake, a #throwbackthursday if you will, so he started to make his way over.

As he neared the chair where the man dressed as Santa was, Mitch realized the man's voice was extremely familiar. In fact, it was so familiar that a grin split across Mitch's face and he bounced excitedly on the balls of his feet while he waited.

Soon enough, the time came, and Mitch scampered up to the chair. He plopped down comfortably on Santa's lap and grinned up at him, and Santa smiled back, but Mitch saw the amusement in his blue eyes. "Well, hello there, little one. What would you like for Christmas?" Mitch hummed quietly and maybe a bit mockingly in thought. "I would like a kiss from my boyfriend under the mistletoe. Oh, and maybe..." He leaned up to whisper something in Santa's ear, and Santa flushed bright red, awkwardly clearing his throat. "Mitchie—"

"Excuse me, how do you know my name?" Mitch asked, raising an eyebrow. Santa cleared his throat again and bit back another blush, shaking his head. "Of course I know your name. I'm Santa." Mitch laughed quietly and nodded. "Right." He leaned back against Santa's chest as the photographer took the picture, thanked him, and stood up. "See you after work, Scottie," he whispered in Santa's ear, then pulled away as though nothing had happened, smiling at them one more time before walking away.

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