can't lose you

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hi. i'm really sorry everything has been so depressing lately. this is the 199th part, and for the last part, i wanted to do something long and happy (think "christmas cookies" except not holiday), so if anyone has any requests or suggestions, please leave them in the comments or dm me or something. i honestly don't know if i will make a second book because these last few updates have been really slow and i feel kind of distanced from pentatonix as a whole, i really only keep up with mitch now, but i still have a special place in my heart for them and i enjoy writing when i can scrape together enough motivation for it. anyways, i'll probably decide and tell you guys what i'll do in the last part. thank you for sticking with me. i hope you're all staying safe.


Scott landed in front of his house with a sigh and tore off his mask, holding it loosely as he walked inside. "Mitchy?" he called, beginning to remove the rest of his suit.

"In here, Alpha!" Mitch called back before he peeked out of the kitchen and smiled at him. "Hi, sir. How was your day?"

"It was alright. Thank you, honey." Scott pecked Mitch's lips as he walked past him on the way to the stairs. He headed upstairs, quickly changed, and set his suit in its spot before he returned to Mitch in the kitchen and wrapped his arms around him from behind. "Whatcha doin'?"

Mitch giggled and leaned back against his chest. "I'm making dinner, Alpha."

"It smells delicious." Scott bent to kiss Mitch's cheek. "Do you need help?"

"No, thank you, sir. You've had a long day, please relax." Mitch smiled up at him, and Scott took the opportunity to cup his cheek and press their lips together. Mitch kissed back for a few moments, but when Scott tried to turn him around and press him against the counter, he carefully broke the kiss with a giggle. "Alpha, the vegetables are going to burn."

Scott groaned playfully and reluctantly pulled away. "Fine. Are you sure you don't need help? Is there anything I can do?"

Mitch giggled. "Yes, Alpha, I'm sure. You don't have to stay in here with me."

"I want to." Scott pecked Mitch's lips.

Meanwhile, three armed men circled the property. The leader climbed onto the balcony, and the rest followed. When the leader caught the scent of an Alpha, he motioned to his companions to advance, but then an Omega's scent mixed in. They all smirked and shared glances. "Don't harm the Omega," the leader commander softly. "He'll be our prize for when we kill Hoying." The other two men nodded, and the leader shot the handle of the door, kicking it open.

Scott froze when he heard the gunshot. "Who's there?" he called, moving to stand protectively in front of Mitch. Mitch bit his lip nervously and moved closer to Scott. None of the men answered, advancing towards the sound of his voice with their guns aimed and ready to fire. Scott's eyes darkened at the scent of three Alphas, and he glanced back at Mitch as he grabbed a knife for a weapon. "Get in the pantry. Now." Mitch whimpered, but he obeyed, staying right by the door so he could hear what was going on.

Scott gripped the knife as he edged towards the scent, and as soon as he turned the corner into the living room, they all began to fire. Mitch screamed at the sound of gunshots and immediately tried to get out of the pantry, fumbling with the handle with shaking hands. Scott dodged the bullets with ease and aimed a punch at the man in front, knocking the gun out of his hand. The man growled and tackled Scott to the ground, punching him in the face. Scott grabbed his hand in midair and used it as leverage to switch their positions, his eyes flashing red. "Who are you?" he snarled, pinning him down, but the man just smirked as his companions tore Scott off of him and threw him into the wall.

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