mors et salvatoris pt. 2

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sorry this is cheesy it's 3:11 in the morning


Scott and Mitch were holding hands as they advanced towards Lord Mortem's hideout. Scott was doing his best to hide the fear rising in his chest; he knew Lord Mortem could easily kill him, and he probably would once he discovered the blatant betrayal Scott had committed.

"Relax, baby. It'll be okay," Mitch murmured, squeezing Scott's hand. "We'll be okay."

Scott chose to remain silent. He took a deep breath before pushing open the familiar door, his heart pounding in his ears.

"Ah, Scott. It's good to see you've realized where your priorities lie," Lord Mortem spoke from his throne, drumming his fingers on the armrest. "This is Mitchell?"

"Yes, my Lord," Scott murmured, sinking into a deep bow.

Mitch glared at Lord Mortem, sparks flying in between his fingers. "I'm also Salvator. I will not hesitate to kill you."

Lord Mortem just chuckled evilly and sent a wave of dark magic towards Mitch, knocking him to his feet. Scott whimpered and rushed to his side, unable to stop himself. "Mitchy? Are you okay?" he whispered shakily, helping Mitch up again, but he stopped with a cry of pain.

"I knew it," Lord Mortem snarled, his eyes glowing red. "I knew you had betrayed me." He stood and pushed his hand to the side, sending Scott tumbling to the floor. "How dare you? After all I've done for you? You betray me for my worst enemy?" Scott looked up at Lord Mortem with eyes wide with fear, trying to push himself away, but Lord Mortem just flicked his fingers and easily took the needle that appeared. "I can't believe you."

Scott shook his head frantically, trembling. "N-No, my Lord, I- I would never—"

"Shut up." Lord Mortem brought his hand toward his chest, and Scott cried out quietly as his arm was pulled to his master. Lord Mortem grabbed his wrist and harshly rolled his sleeve back before raising the needle above his head.

"Stop!" Mitch declared. "Get away from him!"

Lord Mortem let out a growl and turned to see Mitch. "I didn't ask for your opinion. You're no match for me."

Mitch shook his head and spun his hands together, a red ball of fire growing between them. "Try me."

Lord Mortem snapped his fingers, and a cage of glowing energy formed around Mitch. Mitch sent the fire towards Lord Mortem, but it hit the cage and fizzled out. His eyes widened in panic and he tried frantically to attack Lord Mortem again, but nothing worked. Lord Mortem chuckled darkly and turned back to Scott, grabbing his wrist and stabbing him with the needle.

Scott screamed out in pain immediately. Lord Mortem smirked and stepped away, carelessly letting the needle clatter to the floor. Mitch watched in horror as Scott's veins turned black, starting where the needle had pierced his skin and spreading throughout his body like a disease. Scott screamed again and began crying, tears flowing down his cheeks. "Please! P-Please make it s-stop!" he sobbed, his fingers curling into themselves. "Make it end!" Lord Mortem's eyes glowed brighter and he flicked his fingers, earning another, louder scream. Mitch squeezed his eyes shut against the tears forming in his eyes, his heart cracking with every single cry of pain that left his lover's lips.

It went on for what felt like hours. Scott was obviously getting weaker; his screams were more hoarse and less frequent, replaced by violent sobs that shook his entire body. Lord Mortem hadn't torn his eyes away from his broken pet's trembling form, so he didn't notice Mitch managing to escape from his prison.

Mitch hardly dared to breathe as he sneaked up behind Lord Mortem, a glowing ball of fire in his hands. As soon as he was close enough, he sent it towards Lord Mortem, effectively setting him on fire. Lord Mortem screamed in anguish and turned to Mitch, his eyes glowing red. "You," he snarled, and the black faded from Scott's veins as Lord Mortem's attention was diverted. The poor boy's sobs quieted and he held himself tightly, his entire body trembling violently.

"I am Salvator," Mitch declared, his eyes flickering gold. "I am the savior of mankind from all things evil." He lifted his hand up, and huge pillars of stone rose up surrounding Lord Mortem. "And you. You are the evilest of them all." He snapped his fingers; vines slithered up Lord Mortem's legs and arms, holding him in place. "How dare you do this to Scott?" Mitch asked, advancing towards him. "You took an innocent boy from his loving parents and raised him to do your bidding, only to toss him aside like he was nothing."

Lord Mortem spluttered uselessly, but Mitch just flicked his fingers at him, silencing him. "Don't play stupid. I know your plans. After you killed me, you were going to kill him, weren't you? After all he's done for you? Scott gave you his life, willingly or not, and you were just going to throw it all away." He shook his head, clicking his tongue disapprovingly. "Shame on you. Scott deserves more than that; he deserves more than you."

"I can't believe I had been so stupid," Lord Mortem whispered softly, watching Mitch without even trying to struggle. "I never should've ordered him to seduce you. I had forgotten he was human. Humans' hearts are vulnerable and weak; I should have known you would make him fall in love with you."

Mitch smiled a bit, tilting his head slightly. "Oh, I did no such thing. He fell for me all on his own. And I fell for him."

"I can't believe I had been so stupid," Lord Mortem repeated quieter, shaking his head at himself. "Thwarted by love, of all things."

"Let this be a lesson to you, Lord Mortem." Mitch harnessed the little light in the room and formed it into a sword of glowing energy. "Never underestimate the power of love." His eyes gleamed gold as he thrust the sword into Lord Mortem's gut, and the vines let go. Lord Mortem's lifeless body crumpled to the ground.

Mitch's first instinct was to rush to Scott's side, but he held himself back. Slowly, he spun his hands together and lifted them up, and a tree sprouted, covering Lord Mortem's body. "There," Mitch murmured to no one in particular. "Now Death has been turned into Life."

When the tree stood tall and strong, Mitch allowed himself to hurry to Scott's side, and he gathered him in his arms, kissing his hair repeatedly. "You did so well, baby," he whispered, and Scott curled into him desperately, feverish tremors shaking his body. He felt so cold yet so hot at the same time. Mitch sighed shakily and pulled back just enough to cup his cheeks, staring into his eyes. "Are you going to be okay? Do you need a hospital?"

"I'm f-fine," Scott managed, his voice hardly a whisper. "H-He's used the Inj-jection on me be-before. J-Just never that strong."

"I know, sweetheart, I know. But it's all over now, I've got you. You're going to be just fine," Mitch murmured, holding him tightly. Scott couldn't bring himself to speak again, but he buried his face in Mitch's neck and weakly held onto his shirt, wishing he could stop shaking.

They sat there for a while. Mitch held Scott tightly, rocking him and whispering encouragement and reassurances into his ear. Scott closed his eyes as he tried to gather the strength to stand again so they could leave, but it wasn't going so well. He could hardly gather his thoughts.

Eventually, Mitch carefully stood with Scott still in his arms. "Come on, baby. Lean on me," he murmured, and together, they managed to make their way out of the castle.

Mitch helped Scott into his car, and he pressed a kiss to his forehead before going around to the driver's side. As soon as he got in, Scott mustered the strength to take his hand, and Mitch offered him a small smile. "Are you going to be okay?" he asked quietly, comfortingly running his thumb over Scott's knuckles.

"Yeah," Scott whispered weakly, staring at their hands. "I think so."

Mitch drove Scott to his apartment, and they settled into bed for some much-needed rest. Scott curled up in Mitch's arms as Mitch ordered some delivery food for them, watching silently. "Thank you," he murmured. "For everything."

"You don't need to thank me, baby. I'd do anything for you."

Scott blushed and leaned up to kiss Mitch's jaw. "I love you."

"I love you too, Scotty."

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