tour rehearsal pt. 2

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requested by gonat1121 i'm sorry it's short

it's still mitch grassi day and i still love him more than anything in the entire world


When they got home from rehearsal, Scott turned to Mitch, apologetic. "I'm sorry, Mitchy. I took advantage of you today in the bathroom and I'm honestly such a shitty person for doing so. I understand if you want to stop being friends."

Mitch was so surprised he almost didn't comprehend what Scott said. "What? No, Scotty, you didn't take advantage of me. I wanted you to fuck me. What happened was totally consensual, I promise."

"Are you sure?" Scott asked, genuine worry in his eyes.

Mitch smiled and nodded. "I'm sure. Can we... be boyfriends?"

Scott finally smiled. "I would be honored to be your boyfriend."

Mitch squealed and jumped on Scott, kissing him passionately. Scott stumbled back a few steps, but he regained his balance and held Mitch under his thighs, kissing back just as deeply. Mitch wrapped his arms around Scott's neck and held his collar to keep him from pulling away, having no plans to stop kissing his beautiful new boyfriend any time soon.

Scott managed to find his way to the couch, and he pressed Mitch down onto his back as he tilted his head to deepen the kiss. Mitch moaned against his lips. "Come on, Scotty. Let me make you feel good," he mumbled, his hand sneaking down to squeeze Scott's bulge.

Scott groaned and nodded. "Alright, baby."

Mitch pushed Scott back so he could sit up and help Scott push his pants down. He wrapped his hand around Scott's cock and pressed kisses to his neck as he stroked him slowly. Scott cursed and gripped at the couch.

Soon, Scott came into Mitch's hand. Mitch smiled and licked his hand clean. "Thank you."

"No, thank you." Scott glanced down, and a smirk formed on his lips when he saw the obvious bulge in Mitch's leggings. "Now let me take care of that for you." Before Mitch could protest, Scott had removed Mitch's leggings and boxers and taken him into his mouth.

Mitch moaned and let his head fall back against the cushions, automatically tangling his fingers in Scott's hair. Scott smirked slightly around him and immediately went to work, sucking and bobbing his head. Mitch moaned louder and wrapped his legs around Scott's neck, opening himself even more for Scott. Scott took the opportunity to tilt his head back and let Mitch's cock slide even deeper.

When Mitch came, Scott swallowed it all and pulled away, licking his lips. "Mmm, I love doing that for you."

Mitch blinked up at Scott as he caught his breath. "I love it when you do that for me, too. Fuck, you're good at it."

Scott laughed and helped dress them both again before he lay down beside him and pulled him into his arms. Mitch snuggled into Scott's side, kissing his cheek. Scott smiled and kissed his forehead in return, turning on Netflix. He selected a movie, and the new boyfriends settled in to have a movie night, content in each other's arms.

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