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i'm in the mood for soft lovey-dovey stuff, so instead of writing the things that i should be writing (like the sequel to "mors et salvatoris"), i'm writing this

sue me


Mitch feels soft.

He's nestled in Scott's arms, half on top of him and half in between his legs. Sunlight streams through the window, illuminating their bedroom in a soft glow. Their comforter covers their lower halves, and Scott's body is Mitch's warmth for his upper half. His husband is still sleeping, his chest rising and falling as he breathes and bringing Mitch with it. Mitch's eyes slowly slip closed again. He's too warm and comfortable to get up.

Mitch sighs softly and rubs his face against Scott's chest like a cat, bringing his hand up to hold onto Scott's bicep. He wants to scoot forward so he can tuck his face in Scott's neck, but he doesn't want to risk waking him. They were both up late the night before — Mitch's neck and Scott's back are the only evidence of the wild sex they had — and Mitch knows it's more exhausting for Scott than it is for him. He wants to let his husband rest so they can have another round tonight.

Scott is very warm, his touch setting waves of heat through Mitch's body. It's almost overwhelming, but Mitch doesn't want to leave the safe cocoon of his husband's arms. He thinks, if he had it his way, he would just stay in Scott's arms forever.

He looks up when he hears rustling, and soon pretty blue eyes flutter open. Mitch smiles sleepily and pushes himself up to press his lips to Scott's jaw. "Good morning," he murmurs, his voice hoarse from sleep. "Did you sleep okay?" Scott just hums and pulls Mitch closer, his eyes closing again. Mitch smiles to himself and nuzzles his face in Scott's neck, sighing contentedly. "Can we stay in bed all day?"

"I would love to," Scott whispers, and Mitch lets out a soft giggle, closing his eyes.

They fall silent again. Mitch traces gentle patterns on Scott's chest without opening his eyes, and Scott gathers Mitch closer even though they're already as close as they could possibly be.

Mitch feels safe.

He's wrapped in the strong arms of his first and only love. These arms have never caused him harm, and he has no doubt that they never would. He knows that Scott loves him too much to even think about laying a hand on his husband that is not a hand of love. He knows this because he feels the same way.

Mitch finds himself drifting off again. In his warm cocoon, he slips in and out of sleep. Each time he opens his eyes, the lighting is different in their bedroom as the sun rises in the sky, but the warm presence underneath him remains the same. Those same strong arms are wrapped around his waist every time.

It's around noon when Mitch finally can't fall asleep again. He sighs and reluctantly lifts himself off of Scott, straddling him. "Scotty," he whispers, just loud enough to rouse his husband from his slumber.


"We should get some food."

"I thought you wanted to stay in bed all day." Scott's voice is soft, and there's an underlining whine to it that has Mitch giggling.

"I do, baby, I do. But we both know that I need to eat or else I will not be fun to cuddle with."

Scott opens his eyes to meet Mitch's, a pout on his lips. "But I don't want food right now. I want to snuggle with my teddy bear," he whispers, reaching out for Mitch like a child in need of his blanket.

Mitch smiles fondly and shakes his head, taking Scott's outstretched hands and bringing them to his lips to kiss. "Your teddy bear is hungry."

Scott sighs dramatically, but he sits up and wraps Mitch in his arms again on his way to standing up. "Alright, teddy. I'll get you some food," he mumbles, walking to the kitchen with Mitch still in his arms. Mitch giggles and wraps his legs around Scott's waist, but he doesn't hold onto him much other than that. He trusts that Scott won't drop him.

Scott sets Mitch down on the bar stool at the counter. "What would you like for breakfast, love?"

"Just coffee and cereal, please."

Scott nods and gets the coffee brewing before he grabs two bowls and pours cereal in both of them. Mitch retrieves the milk from the fridge to pour it in his bowl, but he waits until Scott sits down with the two mugs of coffee to pour Scott's. Scott smiles tiredly and kisses Mitch's cheek in a silent thanks, sleepily spooning the cereal into his mouth. Mitch returns the smile and sits with him, and they both fall quiet as they eat their meal.

Mitch feels content.

When he's with Scott, he always does. Whether they're making love in the dead of the night or eating breakfast together in the middle of the day, Mitch is content with his Scott. He couldn't be happier.

After they eat, Scott takes Mitch's hand and leads him back to their bedroom. Mitch follows without protest, and he smiles to himself when Scott pulls him down on top of him. "You want to cuddle some more?" he murmurs, setting his head on Scott's shoulder. His husband's response is nothing more than a soft grunt. Mitch laughs quietly, but his eyes slip closed and he nuzzles his face into Scott's neck. "Me too."

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