solitary confinement

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trigger warning: unhealthy relationship, panic attack, and mentions of abuse and murder

Scott's hands shook as he gathered the necessary supplies he needed, quickly glancing at the time on his wrist. His heart jumped fearfully when his time was almost up, so he hurried to where he knew Mitch's cell was.

Mitch was pacing inside, his hair disheveled from running his fingers through it in frustration. When he sensed Scott, he turned, and a mixture of relief and annoyance came over his face as he rushed to the window. "What the fuck took you so long?" he hissed as Scott shakily tied the rope to the bars on the window.

Scott flinched slightly and glanced up at him. "I'm s-sorry, I was double-checking that I had everything a-and I lost track of time," he whispered before rushing back to the car and tying the opposite end of the rope to the steering wheel. Mitch rolled his eyes and waited impatiently as Scott got into the car and drove forward, the bars popping off with a loud crunch. Scott winced at the sound, and with a fearful glance behind himself, he gathered the broken bars and the rope and dumped them in the trunk. Mitch had already climbed out of the window, and he stumbled a little when he dropped to the ground. However, he quickly regained his balance, and he jumped into the car without a second glance back at the jail.

"Get your ass in here, baby, we gotta go," Mitch snapped, pointing to the passenger seat. Scott flinched again, but he shakily closed the trunk and scurried to the car, crawling inside. As soon as Scott was buckled, Mitch sped off.

Scott sat tensely in his seat, looking around fearfully. Mitch glanced over at him, both concerned and slightly annoyed. "Relax, babe. We got away. Thanks for the rescue." He smirked and leaned over to pull Scott into a filthy kiss without stopping. Scott kissed him back, finally relaxing. Mitch let the hand that wasn't on the steering wheel reach over to unbuckle Scott's seatbelt, and he pulled Scott into his lap, resting his hand on his ass. "Let me feel that beautiful mouth around my cock, baby girl," he mumbled against his lips, massaging it gently. "It's been too long."

Scott moaned softly at the feeling of Mitch's hands on his body. "We're driving, Mitchy," he whispered back, but Mitch just pulled away and sucked harshly on Scott's sweet spot.

"Don't care. I went five years without a blow job, I'm not waiting any longer."

Scott shivered and nodded. "Okay, Mitchy. Just- Just please don't crash." He managed to squeeze himself in between Mitch's seat and the dashboard, though it was a tight fit. He fumbled with the zipper of Mitch's pants for a moment before he pulled them down, Mitch lifting his hips to help him. Scott removed Mitch's cock from his underwear and took it into his mouth in one go.

Mitch groaned and tangled his fingers in Scott's hair, his grip tightening on the steering wheel. "Yes, baby. Good girl," he mumbled, guiding Scott's head to take more of his cock into his mouth. Scott peered up at Mitch through his eyelashes as he sucked, and Mitch let out another moan at the sight. Not getting a release for five years caused him to be incredibly sensitive, and he came into Scott's mouth hardly a few minutes later with a moan of his name. Scott swallowed Mitch's release obediently and pulled away, licking his lips as he met Mitch's eyes. Mitch smiled tiredly and brought Scott back up into his lap, kissing him gently. Scott happily kissed back.

"You're just as good at that as I remember," Mitch murmured when he pulled away, pressing a tender kiss to Scott's forehead. Scott beamed at the praise, and Mitch's lips curled into a smile once again. "Go take a nap in the back, sweetheart. It's going to be a long night."

Scott obediently crawled into the backseat, curling up as best as he could in the cramped space. Mitch pulled his pants up and glanced at Scott through the rearview mirror. "I love you."

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