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so i wrote this back in december and there was like 2,700 words but this is only the first half because i never finished it and i'm too lazy to so yeah enjoy


"Get up, b*tch," the harsh voice of Mitch's captor said, throwing some new clothes at him. Mitch jumped out of his sleep, looking up at him with fearful eyes. "Get dressed," his captor snapped, crossing his arms over his chest so he could watch. Mitch sniffled quietly and carefully stood up. "C-Can you—"

"No. I'm going to watch."

Mitch let out a soft whimper, but shakily lifted his tattered shirt over his head and tried to ignore his captor's hungry eyes on his bare torso. He started to pick up his new shirt, but his captor's voice stopped him. "No. Take all of your clothes off before you put those on. I want to see you," he practically snarled, and Mitch began to tremble as he slowly pushed his pants off his hips. "Boxers too." Mitch closed his eyes against his threatening tears and slid his boxers off too, trembling harder and wrapping his arms around himself as he waited for the okay to get dressed. He hated how exposed he was, how weak and pathetic his captor made him feel.

Mitch's captor raked his eyes over Mitch's body, a soft growl escaping his lips. "You're lucky you've been bought, otherwise I'd take you right there." Mitch's heart jerked and he opened his eyes, looking up at his captor. "B-Bought?" he asked nervously, but his captor just grinned. "Just you got me $10,000, plus an extra 5,000 if I didn't touch you. Now get dressed. I'm taking you to your new home."


Mitch was curled on the floor of the backseat of a car so he couldn't be seen by people looking in the window. He was trembling, and a black silk blindfold covered his eyes and rope tightly bound his wrists together.

His captor was in the front, talking loudly with his companion. They were laughing about something, but Mitch was too scared to pay attention.

First he had been kidnapped, and now he was being sold. He wished with all his heart that the police would notice this — surely it was all over the news that local college student Mitch Grassi had been kidnapped straight out of his dorm room.

"Come on, sl*t. We're here." Mitch perked his head up when he'd noticed they'd stopped, but didn't move, as he couldn't see anything. His captor tugged at the rope attacked to his bound wrists. "Get out." Mitch carefully climbed out of the car and stumbled as his captor tugged on his wrists again.

They began to walk, Mitch trailing behind his captor and his companion. He wished he could see.

"Do you have him?" a new, unfamiliar voice asked. Mitch hurriedly stopped when he realized his "companions" had and immediately listened as closely as he could. "Yes, sir. Right here," his captor said, roughly tugging him forward. Mitch stumbled again and almost fell, but quickly caught himself, his cheeks flushing red. He heard a soft laugh and felt eyes on him. "Good." A sound like a bag of money being thrown was made, and Mitch sensed his rope being passed to someone else, presumably the other man. "Thank you," the man said, tugging Mitch inside without another word.

Mitch stood tensed in the middle of a hall of some sort, feeling more vulnerable than ever. The new man circled him like a predator to its prey, raking his eyes over Mitch's body. Slowly, Mitch felt himself be pressed against the wall, the man's hot breath on his neck. "They told me you were a virgin, sweetheart. Is that correct?" the man murmured, lightly teasing the skin of Mitch's neck with his teeth. Mitch's breathing hitched and his fingers curled into themselves, his head falling back against the wall. "Yes, sir," he whispered barely audibly. The man hummed softly against his skin and pulled on the rope binding Mitch's wrists together, somehow managing to untie it. It dropped to the floor, and the man brought Mitch's arms over his head, gently pinning them against the wall. Mitch's breathing hitched and he so desperately wanted to open his eyes, but he was met with darkness.

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