sleepy time

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this is based off of what i imagine happened after superfruit's 'seeing each other naked' video

kay yeah enjoy


Mitch sighed as soon as Scott turned off the camera, flopping down on his bed. Scott laughed quietly and forced himself to stand up, pulling off his shirt and changing into sweatpants. "Mitchie, you should change," he said, but Mitch groaned and rolled over, burying his face in the pillow. "I don't wanna," he mumbled, his voice muffled from the fabric. Scott smiled and pulled down Mitch's skinny jeans for him, then threw him a t-shirt to change into. Mitch huffed, but turned over to look at Scott. "Can I wear one of your shirts? Please?" he asked innocently, and Scott sighed, taking Mitch's shirt from him and leaving the room to retrieve one of his shirts.

Mitch forced himself to sit up, sitting crisscross and playing with the sheets absentmindedly as he waited for Scott's return. Scott came back right then with a t-shirt of his, handing it to Mitch. Mitch smiled tiredly and sleepily changed, giving the shirt he was wearing to Scott. The blond hung it up and kissed Mitch's forehead. "Goodnight, Mitchie," he murmured, starting to leave, but Mitch whined and reached for him. "Don't go..." Scott smiled and climbed into bed next to him.

Mitch immediately latched onto his side, curling up and setting his head on Scott's chest. "Goodnight, Scottie," he said quietly, closing his eyes. Scott smiled wider, pulling the covers over them and then wrapping his arms tightly around his best friend. "Goodnight." Mitch fell asleep quickly, but Scott stayed up a bit longer despite how tired he was, simply admiring Mitch. He brushed Mitch's hair out of his face and slipped his fingers just under the collar of the shirt that Mitch was wearing, smiling as Mitch shivered, then removed his hand and wrapped his arm around Mitch again.

Scott loved platonic cuddling.

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