royal pt. 2 (xxx)

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Scott woke up to warmth leaving him and the rustle of sheets and the clink of metal as Mitch slipped out of bed. He sleepily opened his eyes and watched him as he moved throughout the bedroom, hurriedly changing into what was presumably his work clothes. At first, Mitch didn't notice Scott was awake, but when he did, a smile formed on his lips and he padded over to him to press a kiss to his forehead. "Good morning, my king," he murmured, brushing his hair out of his eyes. "I have to go to work, but I'll be back tonight." He chained Scott's wrist to the headboard with the handcuffs and pressed a soft but brief kiss to his lips. "I'm going to go get you some breakfast. Can't have my little slave starving, can we?" Scott didn't answer, his eyes following Mitch as he moved away and left the bedroom.

The first thing he did when Mitch was gone was tug on his wrist to see if he could possibly break free, but he quickly stopped with a hiss when the handcuff just tightened around his wrist.

When Mitch returned, he held a tray with a bowl of cereal and a glass of milk. He set it down on the bedside table and helped Scott sit up, then began to feed him. Scott forced himself to obey, no matter how demeaning it was. However, soon, he felt an overwhelming drowsiness overcome him, and his eyelids began to droop. "I'm sorry I had to do this to you, sweetheart," he faintly heard Mitch whisper, and he felt soft lips on his again. "But I can't have you escaping. Sweet dreams, my love."


Conveniently, Scott didn't wake up until Mitch returned from work. He cursed to himself at how careful Mitch had been; he'd clearly given him just enough sedative to keep him under for the eight hours he'd be gone.

It was barely a few moments after he'd heard the door open that Mitch headed up the steps. Scott mentally prepared himself for whatever Mitch was going to do to him before the door creaked open, and his captor smiled warmly at him with sparkling eyes. "There's my beautiful boy," he murmured, coming inside and sitting on the edge of the bed. "Did you sleep okay?" His cool hand trailed over Scott's forehead and down to his cheek, brushing his thumb over his bottom lip. When Scott nodded, his smile widened even more. "I missed you today." He leaned in to kiss him again, but Scott didn't kiss back.

Mitch pulled away soon after with a slightly hurt look in his eyes, and Scott had to force himself not to let it bother him. "Come on, angel. Are you hungry?" Mitch asked softly, undoing the cuff to the headboard and instead chaining Scott to him again. He didn't wait for an answer before he led Scott downstairs.

They had a light dinner of Caesar salad before they cuddled up on the couch. Mitch turned on the TV and held Scott against him, absentmindedly tracing patterns into his bare thighs. Scott let him do whatever he wanted, resting his head on Mitch's shoulder. His new plan was to pretend to love Mitch so he'd let his guard down and escape when he trusted him enough. Mitch smiled and kissed his head, running his fingers through Scott's hair. Scott suppressed a smile of his own. At this rate he'd be out by the next month.

After TV, they went back upstairs to go to bed. Scott let Mitch hold him and sing him a lullaby, and it didn't take too long before he fell asleep.


Scott's plan ended up backfiring on him. Only two weeks later, he was already almost fully in love with Mitch, and all thought of escaping had completely left his mind.

They still hasn't had sex yet, but that was about to change. Mitch came home from work on a Friday night with eyes dark with lust; all day, he'd been thinking about Scott moaning underneath him, and now the only thing on his mind was fucking Scott so hard he couldn't walk for a week.

Scott lit up when he heard the door open and pulled on his restraints, wanting more than anything to run downstairs and attack Mitch in a hug. "Mitchy!!" Mitch's eyes darkened even more at the sound of his voice, and he practically ran up the steps, coming into the bedroom and connecting his and Scott's lips in a hungry kiss before the former king even had time to react. Scott melted into the kiss and kissed back, wrapping his free arm around Mitch's neck. Mitch used one hand to undo the handcuffs and the other to hold himself up, grinding his hips down onto Scott's. Scott moaned at the feeling, a tent almost immediately forming in his leggings — it had been so long since he'd been touched, and he was incredibly sensitive. "M-Mitchy..."

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