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so if you haven't noticed glamourousalmond made this a new cover and it's really throwing me off but thAnks

also on monday ((mitchy's birthdyyy)) i have a residential camp for the week unfortunately so i won't be on at all

anyway we just got back from the new spiderman movie and that's what inspired this bye


Mitch was the only one in the bank, besides the teller. It had been payday that day at work, so he was there to deposit the check and get some cash as well. He offered the teller a polite smile, and he set the deposit slip, the check, his bank card, and his ID on the counter. "Hi. I'd like to deposit a check," he said quietly, and the teller smiled back. "Yes, of course. ID, please?"

They were halfway through the transaction when the door was kicked open and five masked gunmen entered, swinging their pistols around. "Everybody, put your hands up!" one of them commanded, and Mitch obeyed quickly, his breathing picking up. The one who'd spoken kept his gun pointed at Mitch's chest while the other four approached the teller, demanding money. Mitch backed himself into the wall, his heart beating so rapidly and loudly he was surprised that the gunman couldn't hear it. "P-Please don't hurt me," he whispered, his voice shaking almost as much as his body.

The gunman smirked and pinned Mitch against the wall, pressing the gun against his temple. "I don't know. You're quite beautiful. How would you like to come with us?" he asked quietly, ghosting his thumb over Mitch's bottom lip. Mitch squeezed his eyes shut and did his best not to cry, shrinking away from him. "P-Please, no..."

"He won't be going anywhere."

The five gunmen whirled around, and there was Spiderman, his tight suit highlighting his toned chest and legs. Mitch went weak with relief, but the robbers just opened fire. He screamed and pushed himself into the corner, sobbing loudly as Spiderman dodged the bullets with ease and proceeded to kick the first gunman in the face.

The fight waged on, but Spiderman managed to get all five of the robbers bound in the silky thread. "Don't rob banks, it's bad," he informed them as the police came and took them away.

Spiderman watched them go before he turned to Mitch, who was still crying quietly in the corner. "Are you okay?" Mitch scrambled up and attacked him in a hug, sobbing into his chest. "Thank you..." Spiderman stumbled back a bit, but it didn't take long for him to regain his balance and slowly hug back. "Of course. It's my job." Mitch sniffled and pulled away, rubbing his eyes. "S-Sorry," he mumbled, his cheeks heating up. Spiderman smiled, although of course Mitch couldn't see that. "Don't apologize." He reluctantly tore his gaze away from Mitch and turned his attention to the teller. "You okay, too? Is everything safe?"

"Y-Yes, sir. Thank you so much."

"Don't mention it. I've got to go, but you guys be safe, okay?"

Mitch wiped away his tears and smiled weakly, nodding. "Yeah. Yeah, of course." Spiderman hesitated a moment before he jumped up and landed on the ceiling, beginning to crawl out of the bank. However, he stopped and turned back to see Mitch, who offered him another small smile.

Spiderman crawled back and hung down in front of Mitch, pulling his mask off just enough to kiss him softly. Mitch's eyes widened, but he melted against his lips and kissed back. Spiderman pulled away after a minute and stared at Mitch for a moment, fixing his mask, before he turned and left the bank.

Mitch watched him go with wide eyes, his fingers slowly reaching up to touch his lips. Soon, they curved into a smile, and he started on his way home.

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