hoying enterprises

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Everyone knew that Mitch belonged to Scott. While this might not have affected flirting if they were just boyfriend and boyfriend, no one dared to court the shy brunet boy that helped Scott around his office. See, Scott Hoying owned the biggest company in Los Angeles, Hoying Enterprises. Mitch was a small boy he'd met at the library, where Mitch worked, and he noticed the poorly-hidden bruises scattered over his skin. Upon further investigation, Scott discovered that Mitch was stuck with his abusive boyfriend, so he had the scum arrested and took Mitch under his wing.

Mitch had only been living with Scott for around a month before Scott decided to make a move on him. They'd ended up making out in Scott's office, and their relationship was born. Scott always had Mitch by his side whenever they had company meetings, a possessive hand on his waist, so the company's employees took the hint that Mitch was taken. The only person who'd dared to flirt had been fired promptly by Scott Hoying himself.

Often, Mitch came out of Scott's office with disheveled hair, an unbuttoned shirt, and a blush on his cheeks. The other employees always chuckled at him since he was overly embarrassed and secretive about that they'd been doing in the boss's office, even though they already knew.

This was how things worked in the tallest building in Los Angeles. Everyone knew not to touch Mitch Grassi, and those who didn't were usually informed right away.

However, one day, a new employee had been hired to replace someone else who was retiring. This man was quite insufferable, and not to mention gross, so no one bothered to tell him the unspoken rule in that building. They hoped he got fired, or at least yelled at. It would've been quite entertaining to watch.

The first time the man saw Mitch was about a week into his new job. The small brunet boy was quietly getting copies for Scott, his small hands working quickly. A smirk immediately formed on the new employee's lips, and he sidled over to him, leaning leisurely against the counter. "What else can you do with those beautiful hands of yours?" he asked lowly, his eyes darkening with lust. Mitch jumped and glanced up at him, and his gaze immediately flickered down to his name tag. Tom, was his name. Disgusting Tom.

Mitch was confused. He'd never really had a problem with people flirting with him, so he just assumed that no one found him attractive. This, however, was far from the truth. Everyone was just didn't want to get fired.

"Please leave me alone, sir," Mitch said quietly, shakily gathering the copies he'd made and starting back to Scott's office. Scott usually got incredibly suspicious if he was even a few minutes late. Tom rolled his eyes and stepped in front of him, easily backing the younger boy into the counter again. "No, no. I'm not done with you, yet. What's your name, flower?" he asked, cupping Mitch's cheek so he had to meet his eyes. Mitch's breathing hitched and he pressed himself as far away from the man as he could, which wasn't very far. "Please don't touch me."

The employees' attention was drawn by the commotion, and most of them smirked, knowing that what they'd been waiting for was finally happening.

Tom rolled his eyes and continued shamelessly. "Why not? You're very beautiful. I bet you'll look nice with those pretty lips wrapped around my—"

"Sir, please," Mitch whimpered, his cheeks bright red, "leave me alone." Tom scoffed and slipped his hand up Mitch's shirt, eagerly feeling his skin. "You should be flattered. I don't usually enjoy men, but you're just so fucking sexy edible that I couldn't resist." Mitch whimpered at the touch and tried frantically to get his hand off of him. "Stop. Please," he begged, but Tom ignored him and shoved his other hand into Mitch's pants.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing to my boyfriend?" Scott snarled, shoving Tom off of Mitch and moving protectively in front of him. Mitch sobbed softly in relief and fixed his clothes with shaking hands. Tom's eyes widened when he realized whose boyfriend he had been touching, and he quickly scrambled away from him. "H-He came on to me, sir, I s-swear—"

"And now you have the audacity to lie to me?" Scott shouted, his eyes dark with anger. "I know for a fact that Mitch would never come onto anyone, regardless of whether or not he was my boyfriend. You know why? Because he is a decent human being. You're fired."

Tom's eyes widened more, his heart jumping. "Please, sir, I need this job—"

"Then you should be thought about that before you touched my boyfriend without his permission," Scott snapped coldly. "Get out. Now."

Tom looked like he wanted to argue, but instead, he scurried away.

Scott sighed softly to calm himself down, and he turned to face Mitch. "Are you okay?" he asked softly, concernedly checking his boy's skin for bruises. Mitch sniffled and nodded, fixing his hair subconsciously. "Yes, sir. Thank you." Scott shook his head and carefully wrapped his arms around him in a gentle hug. "Baby, I told you. You don't have to call me sir."

"But we're at work," Mitch whispered, leaning into his touch. Scott smiled and kissed his cheek, rocking them gently. "It's fine. I prefer Scotty, anyway. At least from you." Mitch blushed and wrapped his arms around Scott's waist as well, resting his head on his chest. "Okay, Scotty."

Scott chuckled to himself and pulled away, lovingly brushing his boy's hair out of his eyes. "Did you get the copies made?" he asked, and Mitch nodded, getting the pile of papers from the counter space beside them. "Mhm." Scott smiled and took them, pecking his lips. "Thank you, darling. Come on, let's get you safely in my office."

Mitch obediently followed him into the familiar office, and as soon as Scott had put his copies down, he was being pressed against the wall and kissed passionately. Mitch was surprised, but he quickly kissed back and slung his arms around Scott's neck, standing on his tiptoes to reach him better. Scott slipped his hands into Mitch's shirt and hungrily licked his way into Mitch's mouth, exploring eagerly.

It wasn't long before Mitch's shirt was being unbuttoned, and Scott pulled away so he could admire his bare chest. Mitch blushed, but he didn't dare do anything as Scott reached out to trace the marks he'd made into Mitch's skin the previous night. "Mine," Scott growled softly, leaning down to make him one more. Mitch moaned softly and leaned his head back against the wall, giving Scott better access.

As soon as Scott had finished claiming his boy yet again, he pulled him over to his desk and sat down, bringing Mitch into his lap. Mitch sighed contentedly and curled up against him, burying his face into Scott's neck. "You're going to stay in here with me for the rest of the day. I don't trust them with you," Scott murmured, playing with Mitch's hair absentmindedly. Mitch blushed and pressed a gentle kiss to Scott's neck. "Thank you for saving me out there."

"Of course. Only I can touch my Mitchy like that."

Mitch giggled softly and nuzzled against him, pulling Scott's arms tighter around himself. "Like last night."

"Yep. You're mine, understood?"

"Yes, Scotty. I know."

Scott smiled and tilted Mitch's head up to kiss him briefly. "And I'm yours."

Mitch smiled widely and wrapped his arms around Scott's neck so he could be closer to him. Scott chuckled and gently tucked Mitch's head into his neck, holding him close. "Sleep, angel. Take a nap. Lord knows we didn't get any sleep last night." Mitch giggled again, but he obediently closed his eyes. "Goodnight, Scotty. I love you." Scott smiled and kissed his nose. "I love you too, baby."

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