i'll be home for christmas

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(also whOOPS this isn't how you wanted it, claire)

((also this is lame))


Scott raced through the streets, a terrified look in his eyes. He glanced repeatedly behind himself as though looking for something.

Suddenly, he ran into someone hard. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Scott rushed out, tears forming in his eyes. He began to tremble, frantically shaking his head. "I'm sorry..." Luckily for him, the man Scott had run into was a police officer. "It's okay, sir. Don't worry about it. Are you okay?" the officer asked, glancing up at him. Scott sniffled and shook his head, looking around again. "N-No, I- I need m-m-my-... Oh, h-he's gonna be s-so mad..." He shuddered and wrapped his arms around himself, trembling harder.

The officer frowned, alarm flashing in his eyes. "Who?" Then, suddenly, it clicked. "Wait. You're Scott Hoying, right? The one who was kidnapped a year or so ago?" he asked. Scott jumped at the mention of his name and looked up at the officer with wide eyes. The officer sucked in a breath and nodded. "Oh, yeah. You are. Did you escape? Can you tell me where you were kept?"

Scott was so scared. He was trembling, looking around wildly, and flinching at all the sudden noises. "I just want to go home..." he whispered pathetically, tears starting to flow down his cheeks. "I want Mitchie... Mitchie..." The officer sighed and nodded. "Can you show me where you live?" he asked gently, and Scott sniffled again, nodding. "Y-Yes." The officer smiled reassuringly at him. "Okay, that's good. Come on, I promise you'll see Mitchie once you're there."

Scott immediately took off, wanting to see his Mitchie as fast as he could. Small whimpers escaped his lips as he rushed through the streets, and he continued to hold himself tightly.

Soon enough, they arrived in front of an apartment building. Scott rushed inside without hesitation and glanced around for a moment, appearing to not recognize where he was, but shook himself and rushed off again. He moved so fast the police officer could barely keep up, and he was out of breath when they finally stopped in front of a door. "Is this your apartment?" he asked breathlessly, and Scott nodded hurriedly, bouncing impatiently on the balls of his feet. The officer nodded back and knocked.

It took a few minutes, but soon a forlorn Mitch opened the door. He was wearing an old sweatshirt of Scott's that looked huge on him and his eyes were red and puffy from crying. Scott let out a hoarse sob and threw his arms around him, trembling more violently than ever. Mitch squeaked in surprise and almost pulled away until he heard the soft whimpers escaping his hugger's lips. "Mitchie, Mitchie, Mitchie, Mitchie—"

"Scott?" The word was a small, disbelieving sob.

Scott simply squeezed Mitch tighter. "Mitchie..." Mitch sobbed again and wrapped his arms tightly around him, his heart beating sporadically in his chest. "Oh my God, y-you're alive..." Scott just whimpered and held him even tighter, squeezing his eyes shut. The police officer waited patiently for them to finish their reunion, knowing how long they were apart. Mitch finally sensed the officer's presence and forced his eyes open, a watery smile on his lips. "Thank you so much," he whispered barely audibly, but the officer heard. "Anytime," he said, smiling. "However, I will need your contact information. I can give Scott a few days to get used to being home again, but we need his information to capture his kidnapper."

Mitch nodded hurriedly, forcing himself to pull away from Scott and wipe his tears. "Of course, j-just give me a second," he said quietly, grabbing Scott's hand with a death grip and disappearing back into the house to get a slip of paper. Scott followed him like a lost puppy, holding Mitch's hand as tight as, or maybe even tighter than, Mitch was holding his.

When they returned, Mitch hurriedly handed the officer the paper, smiling weakly again. "Thank you. I'll let you two catch up now," the officer said, returning the smile. "Merry Christmas." Mitch laughed even weaker, reaching behind him to pull Scott closer as though making sure he's still there. "Merry Christmas."

He closed the door and immediately threw his arms around Scott again, burying his face in his chest and sobbing quietly. Scott sniffled and closed his eyes against the tears that were flowing freely down his cheeks, and he began to slowly sink down to sit on the floor. Mitch allowed it and curled into him, sobbing into his neck. "I love you so much."

"I l-love you too."

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