rosemary pt. 3

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this took so long because i genuinely did not feel like writing, and i still don't to be honest, so prepare yourself for the worst part in the history of parts and ironically it's the one hundredth one


Mitch thought about Scott the entire weekend. He really, really liked him. He could only hope that Scott liked him back, and that he wouldn't leave him like Sean did.

When Monday rolled around, Mitch was almost nervous to pick Rosemary up from school. He adjusted his shirt and fixed his hair subconsciously as he waited for her to be let out of school, and when she finally came out, Scott was behind her. The teacher offered Mitch a shy smile, a light blush forming on his cheeks. "Hi." His voice was soft and hesitant, almost as though he feared Mitch had would have forgotten about the wonderful night they shared together the week before. Mitch smiled breathlessly at him, admiring him like he'd never seen him before. "Hi." Rosemary glanced between them and giggled.

"So... When are you free?" Scott asked tentatively, pulling the sleeves over his hands subconsciously. Mitch chewed his lip worriedly as he thought; he knew he had to go to a client's house almost every night that week. "I... I don't know. I can't think of a time this week that I'm free off the top of my head..." Scott's heart fell, but he forced a small smile back onto his lips. "That's alright. Do you have work?"

Mitch nodded slowly. "Yeah..." It was only partially a lie, so he forced himself not to feel bad.

"Oh. Okay. I understand. Are you free this weekend?"

"Um... Maybe? I- I'll have to check with my boss, but I think so."

Scott couldn't help but smile. "Great. Maybe I could come over and we could have a movie night?" he suggested, but Mitch knew he couldn't let Scott see their pathetic excuse for a home. "Um, actually," he started, his mind racing as he tried frantically to come up with a lie, "my house isn't the best. We're cleaning stuff out, and it's kind of messy." Rosemary frowned and glanced up at her father, opening her mouth to say something, but he silenced her with a look.

"Oh. I don't mind," Scott said, offering him a smile. Mitch smiled some back, hoping Scott wouldn't notice how forced it was. "Okay," he said quietly, knowing his chances of being with the blond just went out the window.


Saturday rolled around too quickly for Mitch's liking. Rosemary ran excitedly around the house as she prepared for Scott to come, and Mitch thought she was more excited than he was. He was too terrified Scott wouldn't like him anymore to be excited.

Scott walked up the steps and glanced around confusedly, wondering if he'd gotten the wrong address. He double-checked it, and sure enough, it was right. Scott sighed shakily and raised his fist to knock, mentally rehearsing what he would say if it was the wrong house after all.

However, a few moments later, Mitch opened the door with a tired smile. "Hi." Rosemary ran over and hugged Scott's leg, grinning up at him. "Hi, Mr. Hoying!" she chirped, and Scott laughed, patting her head. "Hi, Rosie." Mitch sighed and gently pried his daughter away from her teacher, holding her on his hip. "Come in," he said softly, moving aside. Scott thanked him and stepped inside, looking curiously around. Though it was small, Mitch had done his best with what he had.

Rosemary squirmed until Mitch set her down, then immediately rushed over to Scott and led him over to the couch. "We rented The Lion King for tonight!" she said excitedly, pushing him down and jumping up on the couch beside him. "Really? That's cool. I like that movie," Scott told her, smiling. Mitch sighed shakily and slipped away into the cramped kitchen to prepare the refreshments that he'd worked the entire week to buy. He poured the generic pretzels and the generic potato chips into two bowls, as well as some generic popcorn. He then gathered the generic soda and poured two glasses, and added a glass of milk as an afterthought.

When he emerged from the kitchen, Rosemary lit up and scrambled to help him. "We never get chips!!" she squealed, spreading the refreshments out on the cheap coffee table. Mitch cringed internally and barely managed not to flinch, shakily giving Scott his soda and setting Rosemary's milk on the coffee table as well. He sat next to Scott on the couch, and the blond instantly cuddled up to him.

"It's weird to see you outside of school, Mr. Hoying," Rosemary said, giggling. Scott chuckled and ruffled her hair. "I do have a life, you know." Rosemary giggled again, but she kept silent, as the movie was starting.

It wasn't long before she fell asleep, half on top of Scott. Mitch apologized softly and carefully scooped her up, carrying his daughter into their bedroom that they shared. When he returned, Scott whined softly and reached for him. Mitch smiled tiredly and laid down on the couch, pulling Scott into his arms.

"You've been awfully quiet tonight," Scott murmured, resting his head on Mitch's chest.

"Yeah. Sorry."

"No, no. Don't apologize. Are you alright?"

"I'm okay. I guess I just have a lot on my mind."

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I guess."

Scott frowned slightly and glanced up at him. "That doesn't exactly reassure me, Mitchy..."

"I'm sorry, Scott. I just..." Mitch sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "I'm just stressed. And worried. And scared."


"I don't know if I'm going to be able to feed Rosemary tomorrow. She already eats so little. And I might have to go to another client's house to help pay for these refreshments and the movie."

"What?" Scott was alarmed by every single word in that sentence.

"I'm barely hanging on, Scott," Mitch broke, his voice cracking from exhaustion. "My job pays so little that I have to fucking sell my body for more money and I haven't eaten in who knows how long and Rosemary deserves better."

Scott's heart broke for Mitch, and he quickly hugged him tightly. "I'm so sorry, Mitchy. Please, come live with me."

"What? No, I couldn't do that..."

"Please. I don't mind. I have a spare bedroom you two can use, and I earn enough for the both of us."

"I don't want to burden you..."

"It's fine. You wouldn't be a burden. Please let me help."

Mitch hesitated for a long time, but he eventually smiled with relief. "Thank you so much. I could kiss you right now."

Scott smiled and closed his eyes. "Go ahead." Mitch laughed and leaned down to kiss him.

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