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with a heavy heart and a lot of back and forth, i've decided that i will not be making a sequel to this one-shot book. scomiche is just not something i ship anymore and i know many others feel the same way. plus, another 200 parts would be a very big commitment that requires energy and motivation that i just don't have. thank you all for the constant support you've shown me through the years. it's certainly been quite the journey, and i will never forget it. if you want to keep in contact with me, my stan twitter is mgappreciation. i love you all. stay safe xx


trigger warning: brief mention of self harm, anxiety

It had been years since they'd seen each other. After they graduated, they assured each other they'd keep in touch in college, but they had never been close and neither made much of an effort. New York and Los Angeles were on opposite sides of the country, anyway, and they both quickly became busy with their new lives in big cities, trying to make a name for themselves in their industries. Mitch balanced classes, an internship at Balenciaga, and a job at the coffee shop on the campus of his college while Scott had his classes at USC, his job, and a weekly gig at a bar near campus. Nothing changed much after college, either. After he graduated from NYU, Mitch moved from his internship to a full-time job, and Scott landed a producing job at RCA Records. They were both successful, and, yes, still busy, but they preferred it that way.

Still, despite the distance, Mitch was the first person that popped into Scott's mind when his boss told him he was being sent to New York to meet with a few aspiring members of the RCA team. Scott knew that hotels in the heart of New York City would be expensive, especially for the length he was set to stay (two weeks), he knew that he and Mitch had had a few classes together in high school and were always friendly to one another, and, most importantly, he knew that Mitch lived right where he needed to be. He figured there was no harm in asking if Mitch would let him stay. Besides, they still followed each other on all social media accounts and even interacted occasionally through the comment section, and that was enough for Scott to decide it wouldn't be weird if he privately messaged Mitch out of the blue.

At first, he wasn't sure how to initiate the conversation. Mitch had always been intimidating, though it wasn't necessarily because of his physical appearance. Sure, he was exceptionally beautiful, but he was also much smarter than Scott was and somehow it was even harder now that he was moving up in the ranks at Balenciaga. Scott knew Mitch would never outright tell him he was being annoying or weird, he was much too nice for that, but in a way that was worse.

Eventually, he decided to just go for it. The worst thing Mitch could say was no. Right?

scotthoying: Hey, Mitch! It's been a while :)

It was a few hours before he received a response. Scott told himself it was because Mitch was likely a very busy man and he didn't always have time to respond to random private messages from old high school friends on Instagram, not because he was weirded out.

mitchgrassi: oh hi, scott! yeah it definitely has haha. how have you been?

When Mitch first received the notification about Scott's PM, he was definitely confused, but he'd quickly dismissed it and eventually forgotten about it as he had to return to work. It wasn't until he was home for the evening did he finally get around to replying.

scotthoying: Oh I've been great! Busy but great
scotthoying: What about you?

mitchgrassi: same here!

Mitch's confusion wasn't alleviated yet. He hesitated, unsure if he should send another message. He didn't want to just let the conversation die, but he was also exhausted and he'd prefer sleeping to forced conversation.

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