lost on you

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this is inspired by the cover of "lost on you" that mario and scotland did

have fun


Mitch's life had fallen apart after the breakup.

He loved Scott. Still. Even after the blond broke it off with him. Mitch didn't think he'd ever stop loving him.

It had been two months, and Mitch was still crying himself to sleep every night and refusing to leave his house. He truly was a mess. His best friend Kirstin would occasionally come over to take care of him, and despite Mitch's wishes, she didn't let him drink away his pain. They ate a lot of ice cream, but no alcohol was consumed.

However, tonight, Kirstin was unable to come over because she had a date with her fiancé, Jeremy. Mitch would've been drinking, but he didn't have any alcohol, due to Kirstie's ban. Instead, he was curled up on his couch watching Spongebob, wishing Scott was holding him. He wasn't crying. He was just numb.

It was around midnight when someone knocked on his door. Mitch's common sense told him not to open it, but his mental state didn't care whether he lived or died and he did it anyway.

It was Scott.

He was obviously drunk off his mind, as he lit up when he saw Mitch and smiled widely. "Baby!" he slurred, stumbling into him. Mitch quickly caught him, his mind reeling. "S-Scott? What are you doing here?" he asked, his voice shaking as he tried not to cry. "I missed you," Scott mumbled, and Mitch felt his heart crack in his chest. He took Scott into his home, not knowing what else to do, and went to lay him down on the couch when the blond pressed their lips together. Mitch forced himself to push him away, turning his head. "Scott—"

Scott whined softly and kissed him again, flipping their positions so Mitch was underneath him. Mitch turned his head away again, no matter how much it pained him to do so. "Scott, you don't want this. We broke up. You're drunk," he said quietly, but Scott just tilted his head back and connected their lips once more. This time, Mitch kissed back, even though he felt horrible for taking advantage of Scott's drunken state. He allowed himself to wrap his arms around Scott's neck, and the blond kissed Mitch more passionately. Mitch could taste the alcohol on his lips.

However, when Scott began kissing down Mitch's neck and tugging on his shirt, Mitch knew he had to stop him. He pushed Scott back as gently as he could and moved away from him, wrapping his arms around himself. "Scott, you're drunk. I can't take advantage of you like this." Scott whimpered, tears brimming in his eyes. "You don't want me?" Mitch shook his head with a small, sad smile. "I do. Of course I do. But you don't really want me. You're drunk. You don't know what you're doing," he said softly, holding himself tighter. "I do want you," Scott protested quietly. "Let me love you."


"Please. I've missed you." It actually seemed like Scott had sobered up, staring at Mitch with clear eyes.

Mitch knew he'd hate himself in the morning, but he allowed Scott to take him into his bedroom.


The next morning, Scott woke up alone with a pounding headache. A low groan escaped his lips as the light filtering through the window made him nauseous.

Mitch heard the sound and sighed quietly, gathering the headache medicine and glass of water and making his way into the bedroom. Scott looked up at the door and frowned a bit at the sight of Mitch, carefully propping himself up against the pillows. Mitch offered him a weak smile and gave him the supplies. "I bet you're regretting drinking so much," he said softly, wrapping his arms around his stomach. Scott quickly took the medicine and sighed in relief as it began working almost instantly. "Yeah. Thanks." He hesitated a moment, glancing down at his bare chest and back up at Mitch. "Did we...?"

Mitch hesitated as well, chewing his lip. He knew he wouldn't be able to lie to Scott. "Yes. We did. I'm sorry." When Scott didn't say anything, Mitch felt even worse. "Scott, I... I didn't want to take advantage of you, but you told me you wanted me and you... you actually seemed sober," he whispered, his throat closing up with threatening tears. "I'm sorry." Scott sighed and rubbed his temples, the headache suddenly returning. "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come to you so drunk." Mitch hesitated, trying his best not to cry, and sat down on the edge of the bed. "It's okay. S-Scott?"

"Yeah?" The blond sounded a lot more tired.

"I'm still in love with you," Mitch whispered, bracing himself for Scott's reaction. Scott looked up at him, a hopeful look in his eyes. "Really?" Mitch slowly nodded, ashamed. Scott sat up more, his heart rate picking up. "I'm so sorry, Mitch. I was stupid. I shouldn't have let you go. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. Please, I understand if you say no, but could we try again?"

Mitch allowed himself a small smile. "Really?"

Scott smiled a bit back. "Really. It's totally up to you."

Mitch couldn't restrain himself any longer. A big smile broke across his lips and rushed forward, jumping on Scott in a hug and burying his face in his neck. "Of course. I missed you so much." Scott laughed softly and hugged him back, kissing the back of his neck. "I missed you too."

The pair spent the rest of the day together, snuggled up under the covers. They only moved to go to the bathroom, and Mitch got up to get ice cream once, but the majority of the day was spent watching Spongebob and cuddling. Mitch was unbelievably grateful to be Scott's again.

That night, Mitch closed his eyes and hid his face in Scott's neck, sighing softly. "Goodnight," he whispered, and Scott smiled, kissing his hair. "Goodnight, my sweet boy."

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