red is the rose pt. 2

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this is really bad lol


Mitch quickly threw his clothes into his suitcase, not caring how neatly they landed or even what he grabbed. He had to leave for the airport in an hour, but he had been talking to Scott and lost track of time. It had taken almost everything he had to not tell him that he was coming — Scott believed that he still had to wait for two weeks, but Mitch was coming early, so he got to stay for a whole month. He could not be more excited.

Lastly, Mitch grabbed his phone charger and his phone, and he rushed out the door. The car he'd hired to take him to the airport was already waiting for him, so he got in and held his suitcase on his lap. "The airport, please," he rushed out, fumbling with his seatbelt. The driver nodded and began to drive, and Mitch tapped his foot impatiently on the floor of the car has they went on their way.

As soon as they arrived at the airport, Mitch practically threw the money at the driver and called a "Thank you!" over his shoulder as he ran inside. He still had a while before his plane actually left, but he couldn't help but hurry — he wanted to get to Scott as soon as possible.

Mitch rushed up to one of the self-check-in kiosks and hurriedly printed out his boarding pass, then forced himself to walk to security. He did everything the officers wanted him to, and he got through the line without a hitch. He stopped by a Starbucks to get himself a muffin and coffee, but other than that, he went straight to the gate and sat down. His hands were shaking as he opened the wrapper and ate the muffin. It didn't take him long to finish it, and he began sipping at his coffee as he got out his phone. He smiled as he saw he had texts from Scott.

baby <3: mitchyyyyy
sent 6:47 pm

baby <3: where are youuuu
sent 6:55 pm

baby <3: i miss you :(
sent 7:15 pm

His fingers shaking, he typed out a reply.

mitchy: sorry baby i had to shower
sent 7:20 pm

baby <3: yayyyyy
baby <3: i missed you
sent 7:23 pm

mitchy: i missed you too princess
sent 7:24 pm

A smile was on his lips as Mitch texted with his favorite person in the world. He was careful not to reveal anything, and when he had to board, he quickly told Scott that he had to go to bed and got on the plane. He felt bad for lying to his baby, but he knew it all would be worth it when he saw Scott's smiling face the next day. His plan was to fly through the night and meet Scott at his work — he'd already spoken to his boss, and she was more than happy to let Mitch come see him.

As the plane took off, Mitch closed his eyes and tried to get some sleep. When he woke up again, he'd be in the same city as the love of his life.


Mitch opened his eyes as the pilot came on the intercom. "Ladies and gentlemen, we are going to be landing in Los Angeles in about ten minutes. The local time is about 7:30 in the morning. Thank you for flying with us, and we hope you enjoy the rest of your day. Flight attendants, prepare the cabin for landing." He grinned excitedly and looked out the window impatiently.

When they finally landed, Mitch was one of the first ones off the plane. He picked up his rental car and quickly drove to Scott's workplace, a small restaurant in which he was a waiter. He knew Scott should already be working, so he left his suitcase in the car and got out, sighing shakily and adjusting his shirt. Now that he was actually there, he was nervous, but he pushed his nerves away and walked inside. The hostess smiled at him — she knew who he was. "Hi. How many?" she asked, and Mitch returned the smile. "Just one, please." The hostess nodded and grabbed a menu, then led Mitch to one of the tables that Scott worked. The small café wasn't very busy that morning, so it wasn't long before Scott came over with his notepad. Mitch's breathing hitched at the sight of him, but he forced himself to act normal.

"Hi, welcome to Early Bird Café. My name is Scott, and I'll be serving you this morning. Can I get you something to drink?" Scott recited, and Mitch smiled at him, his heart hammering in his chest. Scott finally looked down at him to return the smile, but he gasped as he recognized him. "M-Mitchy?" Mitch smiled wider and nodded. "Hi, Scotty." Scott sobbed and quickly pulled Mitch up to hug him tightly. "What are you doing here?" he choked out, tears flowing down his cheeks. "I wanted to surprise you, baby," Mitch murmured, hugging him back just as tightly. Scott sobbed again, but he was smiling through his tears. He buried his face in Mitch's neck and held onto him tightly. "I c-can't believe you're h-here..."

"Well, believe it, princess. I'm here, and I get to stay for a whole month. We have four weeks together, baby girl."

"Oh my God," Scott sobbed, and Mitch sat back down in his chair, letting Scott curl up in his lap. It was kind of difficult, since Scott was so much taller than his boyfriend, but they made it work. "I love you so much," Mitch whispered, kissing Scott's forehead and massaging the back of his neck. "I l-love you t-t-too..." Scott whimpered, burying his face in his neck. Mitch rocked them gently, humming Scott's favorite lullaby in his ear.

When Scott eventually calmed down, he smiled up at Mitch, his eyes shining. "Can I kiss you?" Mitch smiled back and cupped his cheeks, pressing their lips together. Scott melted against him and clutched his shirt with both of his shaking hands, kissing back desperately. Mitch brushed away Scott's remaining tears and gently brought him closer, and Scott wrapped his arms around Mitch's neck.

Scott pulled away first, as he had to breathe. He peered shyly up at his boyfriend through his eyelashes, and Mitch smiled down at him, brushing his thumb over his cheek. "You're even more beautiful in person," he murmured, and Scott blushed, closing his eyes again and leaning into Mitch's touch. "Y-You are too, Mitchy..." Mitch smiled and gently ushered Scott off his lap, intertwining their fingers. He told Scott's boss they were leaving, and she waved with a smile.

Mitch helped Scott into his car and they drove back to Scott's apartment for cuddles. Mitch didn't let go of Scott's hand once the entire ride, too scared his baby would disappear if he let go. When they got there, Scott unlocked the door and immediately led Mitch to his bedroom, laying down on the sheets. Mitch smiled and took Scott into his arms, rubbing his back.

"I'm so happy you're here, Mitchy..."

"I'm happy too, baby. And I don't have to leave for a whole month."

"You make me so happy," Scott whispered, nuzzling against him. Mitch smiled and pressed a kiss to his hair. "You make me happy too, baby girl." He gently massaged the back of Scott's neck and allowed his eyes to close, savoring the feeling of his boyfriend's body pressed against his.


"Yes, love?"

"Will you sing me that song?"

"Of course, baby girl." Mitch ran his hand up and down Scott's back as he began to sing.

"Come over the hills, my bonny Irish lass.
Come over the hills to your darling.
You choose the rose, love, and I'll make the vow,
And I'll be your true love forever.

"Red is the rose that in your garden grows,
And fair is the lily of the valley.
Clear is the water that flows from the Boyne,
And my love is fairer than any.

"'Twas down by Killarney's green woods that we strayed,
And the noon and the stars, they were shining.
The moon shone its rays on her locks of golden hair,
And she swore she'd be my love forever.

"It's not for the parting that my sister pains.
It's not for the grief of my mother.
'Tis all for the loss of my bonny Irish lass
That my heart is breaking forever."

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