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Scott knew right away it was going to be a fun night.

The club was packed with dancing bodies, and the bar was filled with people as well.

Scott's boyfriend was nowhere to be seen, and Scott was too intoxicated to be worried as he tried to dance with his tall noodle-like body.

"Hello there, handsome," a voice purred, and Scott looked down, grinning widely at the girl who smirked seductively at him. "Hi!" he replied cheerfully, clearly oblivious to her attempts to get him home with her. "Are you here with anyone?" the girl said, her hand flirtatiously reaching out to rest on Scott's arm. "Yeah! Mitchie. I don't know where he went though," Scott said, frowning slightly. His expression quickly brightened, though, as he saw the small once-brunette making his way over with two drinks in his hand.

"Mitchie!" Scott said happily, bouncing over with grabby-hands reaching for his boyfriend. "Mitchie, Mitchie, Mitchie, Mitchie, Mitchie!" The girl quickly followed him, blocking his way by placing both her hands on Scott's arms. "No, no, I think we better leave Mitchie alone. He seems annoyed," she said, and Scott immediately stopped, frowning. "Why is Mitchie mad?" he asked innocently, tilting his head, and the girl resisted the urge to lean up and kiss him hard. "Mitchie saw you," she said instead, smirking slightly. Scott's eyes widened. "S-Saw me? Wh-What did I do?"

"This," the girl purred, leaning up to press their lips together. Scott immediately squealed into the kiss and pushed her away. "No!" The girl rolled her eyes and tried to do it again, but this time Mitch came to the rescue. "Hey! He said no!" Mitch said fiercely, somehow managing to shove her away without spilling the drinks. "Mitchie!" Scott exclaimed happily, and Mitch smiled at him, but he quickly turned back to the girl. "He's my boyfriend. Not yours. Only I have permission to kiss him," he snapped, and the girl backed off, her hands held in front of her defensively. "I'm sorry, alright? He's hot, drunk, and looked like he was alone." Mitch rolled his eyes. "Go away." And she did.

As soon as Mitch turned back to Scott, the blonde grinned widely, waving like a maniac. "Mitchie!" Mitch smiled and laughed quietly, handing him his drink. "Hi, Scottie." Scott held the drink with both hands and took almost timid sips, kind of like a child, as he moved closer to Mitch. Mitch watched him fondly, sipping his own drink.

They stood in silence for a while until a slow song came on. Mitch smiled and gently removed Scott's drink from his hand, setting his own on a nearby table and leading Scott out to the dance floor.

Scott wrapped his arms around Mitch's waist and Mitch did the same — as best he could anyway — and they both awkwardly swayed to the music. Mitch leaned his head against Scott's shoulder and allowed insecure to close. Scott smiled lovingly down at the smaller man and pulled him closer.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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