rosemary pt. 2

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Mitch worked almost nonstop for the next week, trying to earn enough money to pay for a babysitter while he and Scott were on the date. They'd scheduled one for Friday night; Mitch would pick Rosemary up from school and take her to the babysitter's house, and then go pick up Scott at his house.

Mitch was definitely losing sleep. He had his job as a waiter during the day, and after Rosemary was put to bed, he went out again to sell his body. Those excursions usually lasted most of the night, and he often returned around four in the morning. Then, he could only sleep for two hours before he had to get up again to take Rosemary to school. Still, he tried his best to earn money and care for his daughter, even if he couldn't care for himself.

When the night came, Mitch put on his nicest clothes before he picked Rosemary up from school. The little girl squealed as she ran out and jumped on her father in a hug. "Daddy! You're going on a date tonight!!" Mitch nodded slightly and hugged her close, immediately beginning the long walk to the babysitter's house. "Yes, I am," he said, his voice soft with exhaustion. Part of him couldn't wait for this date to be over so he could get some sleep, but the other part wanted Scott to like him so Rosemary could have the mother she'd always wanted. "Are you excited??" Rosemary asked eagerly, wrapping her legs around Mitch's waist and resting her head on his shoulder. Mitch nodded and self-consciously adjusted his shirt. "Yeah, I guess. I'm just... What if he doesn't like me?"

"Daddy, of course he'll like you! Don't be silly." Rosemary giggled and nuzzled against him. Mitch sighed, but nodded, even though he didn't believe her. "Thanks, princess," he said quietly, and she peeked up at him with a wide grin. "Of course, Daddy! Have fun."

Mitch offered her a weak smile and set her down when they arrived at the babysitter's house, and he raised his fist to knock on the door. It took a few moments, but a teenaged girl opened it and smiled up at Mitch. "Hi. I'm assuming you're Mr. Grassi?" Mitch nodded and forced a smile back, gently nudging Rosemary out from behind him. "Yes, that's me. This is Rosemary," he said, and Rosemary waved shyly. The girl lit up and knelt to see her. "Aw, you're so cute. Hi, Rosemary. My name is Grace, and I'll take care of you while your father's on his date, okay?" Rosemary nodded slowly and smiled timidly at her. Grace grinned and gently took her hand, leading her in the house. "Bye, Daddy," Rosemary chirped, waving at her father, and Grace smiled at him one last time before she closed the door.

Mitch's smile fell as soon as they were gone. He sighed shakily and ran his fingers through his hair, adjusting his shirt again. He almost didn't want to leave the porch, but he reminded himself that this was for Rosemary and he shouldn't be selfish. Slowly, he turned and made his way to Scott's house.

When he arrived, he went up the steps and knocked on the front door, nervously fixing his hair. Scott's heart jumped when he heard the knock and he pulled down his jacket, slipping his phone in his picket. With one last glance in the mirror, he rushed to open the door, and he offered Mitch a smile. "Hi," he breathed, and Mitch couldn't help but smile back. "Hi. You... You look beautiful." Scott blushed and glanced down at himself instinctively, but quickly looked back up at Mitch. "Th-Thank you," he said shyly, and Mitch admired him for a few more moments before he broke out of his trance and took a step back. "Ready?" he asked, meeting his eyes. Scott hesitated for only a moment before he nodded. "Yeah."

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