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i'm really bad at naming these


Mitch pressed Scott up against the door to his bedroom, kissing him passionately. Scott had his hands on Mitch's waist, and he kissed back, his eyes closed. Mitch stepped closer to Scott and licked his way into his mouth, exploring eagerly. Scott let out a soft moan, and Mitch cursed softly against his lips, quickly pulling back to push Scott down on his bed.

Mitch's parents were out for the weekend, so he had invited his boyfriend over to spend some quality time together. They usually only got to see each other at school, as Mitch's parents weren't the most accepting of his sexuality and therefore couldn't know that he had a boyfriend. Scott had arrived earlier that afternoon, and they had cuddled for a bit before kissing, and that's when things got heated.

Scott peered up at Mitch through his eyelashes as the brunet crawled on top of him and straddled him, bending to connect their lips again. He kissed back, looping his arms around Mitch's neck. Mitch, meanwhile, was using his nimble fingers to undo the buttons on his boyfriend's shirt. He pulled back just enough to press sloppy, open-mouthed kisses down Scott's neck, pushing his shirt off his shoulders. Scott's breathing hitched and his heartbeat picked up, but he tilted his head to the side so Mitch could have better access.

"Oh, f*ck," Mitch groaned softly against Scott's skin, quickly tugging his own shirt off before reattaching his lips to Scott's neck. Scott tried to distract himself from the memories flooding his mind by running his hands along Mitch's chest, but failed. His throat closed up with panic and he pushed Mitch back. "S-Stop. Stop." Mitch instantly obeyed, frowning slightly. "Oh, no. Did I hurt you? I'm sorry. I should've asked, I'm such a bad boyfriend—"

"N-No. No, y-you're not," Scott forced out shakily, slowly calming down. "It wasn't you. I'm fine. Y-You can continue if you want." Mitch frowned even more and reached out to trail his fingers over Scott's cheek. "No, baby. I won't continue unless you're okay with it," he said gently. Scott hesitated, but eventually nodded. "Yeah. I'm fine." He tried to muster up a smile to prove himself.

Mitch was skeptical, but he slowly leaned back down and began kissing Scott's neck again. Scott closed his eyes and tilted his head again, breathing slowly and shakily to try and keep himself from panicking again.

*slight warning, nothing too graphic like it's in literally the first sentence*

That time, Mitch managed to finish undressing the both of them and was about to push his fingers into Scott to loosen him up. However, Scott whimpered quietly and pushed himself away, shielding himself with his hands. "N-No." Mitch frowned and wrapped his arms around himself. "I'm sorry. Was it something I did? Did I hurt you? I'm sorry..." Scott whimpered again, but still relaxed a bit once he realized that it was only Mitch and reached for him. The brunet hesitated, but crawled forward and took Scott into his arms. "You know I never want to hurt you, right?"

Scott buried his face in Mitch's neck and nodded a bit. "Yes," he whispered, closing his eyes. He could feel the panic fading away. Mitch massaged the back of Scott's neck and kissed his forehead, holding him close. "I'm sorry, for whatever I did. I didn't mean to." Scott just shook his head, curling up in Mitch's arms. "N-No, it was me. I promise. I..." He hesitated for a moment, glancing up at Mitch. "C-Can I tell you something?"

"Of course, sweetheart. You can tell me anything."

"I, um..." Scott hesitated again. "Wh-When I was t-twelve, I was raped. I was on my way home from school, h-he came out of nowhere and..." He shuddered violently, clutching onto Mitch. "Oh, baby, I'm so sorry," Mitch breathed, holding his baby boy tightly. "It wasn't your fault, sweetheart. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Did you think I was him?" When Scott nodded timidly against his neck, Mitch felt his heart break. "Princess, I'm so sorry. I'd never hurt you on purpose, I swear on my life. I... I love you." Scott blushed and peeked up at him. "You do?" Mitch blushed himself, looking away. "Yeah. B-But you don't have to say it back, I... I know you probably don't love me." Scott giggled weakly despite himself and kissed Mitch's cheek, pressing himself closer. "Don't be ridiculous, Mitchy," he said quietly. "Of course I do."

Mitch's breathing hitched and he looked up at Scott, a hesitant smile on his lips. "Really?" Scott smiled. "Really. And... I trust you. I know you won't hurt me. We can keep going."

And they did. Mitch went nice and slow, to be sure Scott knew he was loved. When they both finished, Scott caught his breath and peered up at Mitch as he went to clean them off. The brunet quickly threw away the tissue and reluctantly pulled on a pair of sweatpants. "Baby, get dressed, okay? Just in case my parents come home early and wonder why I'm in bed naked with another boy," he said softly with a small, tired smile. Scott giggled weakly, knowing Mitch was trying to make the most out of his situation, and pulled on a pair of boxers and Mitch's sweatshirt. They both crawled back in bed, and Scott rested his head on Mitch's chest as his boyfriend turned on the TV.

The pair was silent as they watched. Scott's arm eventually found its way over Mitch's waist, and Mitch's wrapped around Scott's shoulders. Scott snuggled closer and found his eyes drooping closed, so he moved up to hide his face in Mitch's neck as he started to fall asleep. Mitch smiled tiredly and brought his hand up to massage the back of Scott's neck, pressing a sleepy kiss to his forehead. "Princess?" he whispered into the serenity.

"Yes, Mommy?" Scott mumbled sleepily in response. Mitch smiled at the name.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Momma."

Mitch smiled even wider and pulled Scott closer, bringing the covers over their tangled bodies. Scott was teetering on the edge of unconsciousness, more than happy and safe in Mitch's arms. Once again, they were quiet. Both boys eventually drifted off to sleep, but not once did they move away from one another. In fact, in their unconscious state, Scott managed to crawl on top of the other boy, and Mitch obviously wrapped his arms even tighter around his waist.

Mitch would get in trouble if his parents saw, that was for certain. But at that moment, he didn't care. All that mattered was that his baby boy was safe in his arms.

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