Chapter 2- Oh shit

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I woke up head pounding as I groaned rubbing my temple trying to atleast decrease the pain that was throbbing on my temple but it didn't work. Rubbing the sleepiness of my eyes I looked at my surrounding instantly realising I wasn't in my bedroom.

Oh and I was naked under the covers too, great.

I turned to see the sleeping blonde guy next to me and cursed for having another one night stand and not even remembering how I'd even met the guy, or even know his name.

I slowly got up trying not to make a noise but that failed as he got up rubbing his eyes smiling at me. "Hey beautiful, where do you think you're running off too?".

I paused not really knowing what to answer but replied, "Uhm home?", I got up grabbing my panties and bra, putting them on infront of him. What? He's already seen me naked no judgement.

"Wait Zara I like you can't we get to know eachother better",he looked sad that I was wanting to leave and he knew my name?

"Listen-", I didn't know his name. Crap what was his name?

"Dylan", he said sighing as he combed his hand through his hair,I mean he was attractive af but I wasn't into the whole relationship/dating type things.

"Dylan", I imitated, "I'm sure your a nice guy and I'm not gonna do the whole it's not you its me crap, actually yeah I will sorry Dylan it's not you its me I'm a sorry", I grabbed my leather jacket seeing a bagel on the kitchen counter I grabbed it grinning, "Can I?".

"Go ahead",he sighed whilst muttering to himself. Poor guy I mean it was good whilst it lasted although I don't remember anything except clearly we had slept together.

I ran out checking the time, shit I was definently going to be late for class.

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