Chapter 19- Lightening Bolt

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I walked down the eerie streets as the darkness shadowed the dark sky and the cold harsh wind moved around angrily as it whistled in the air. I shivered in my coat, pulling it closer to my body as my legs began to walk faster eager to get home to the comforts of my bed.

A loud noise erupted from the sky making me jolt upwards as goosebumps carried their way towards my arms and to the bottom of my spine. For some reason I was frozen as I turned to stare at the thunder angrily striking down at the earths soil somewhat intrigued at the danger it could release whilst I continued to stare at the intensifying rage it threw each passing time I was snapped out of my trance when it lashed itself down towards the tree standing next to me causing it to electrify and burst into flame.

That was when my trance was over and the feeling of shock and fear surrounded me as I turned around running away from the deep orange flames that now took over the dying tree. Rain drops fell from the sky angrily hitting my skin as I shivered not daring to look back once I forced my tired legs to continue to run before finally reaching the safety of my apartment.

My hands shook as I took out the key from my soaked jacket pocket as I shivered at the cold, placing the key in the knob and twisting it around letting myself in. A sigh of relief left my mouth as I closed my eyes still shaking at how close the lightening bolt had been.

I cursed under my breath as I walked into my room, stripping off the wet clothes and throwing them into the washing machine. I walked towards the bathroom so ready for a warm shower.

"Hey Z", I jumped out of my skin as my heart nearly left my chest turning around wide eyed at the confused looking Sean raised his eyebrow in question to my outburst.

"You look like you saw a ghost", he stated jokingly.

"Sorry just out of it, didn't realize anyone was home", I replied giving him a small forced smile.

"That would explain why you're fully naked in front of me", he said laughing as he tried to keep eye contact with me instead of looking at my now embarrassed body.

"Shit", I cursed, who the hell forgets their naked? I seriously needed help as I scowled at him.

"Close your eyes", I continued as he did as I said-

" You do realize I already saw you naked", he mumbled trying not to laugh.

"Shut up", I hovered around the clean clothes basket pulling out my robe as I pulled on the soft fur type material and walked away.

"You can open your eyes now", I walked out before he could even continue talking eager for a warm shower.

Opening the tap I sighed as I stepped into the warm comforting feeling as the water wrapped itself around me soothing my shivering body. I closed my rememberer the tree burst in flames. I didn't really understand why I had been so freaked out, maybe the thought of a near death experience. Or maybe it was just the stress of boy drama had me over reacting with everything.

I needed to take my mind of things, everything, everyone. I continued to shower picking up the honey scented shampoo, massaging my scalp before pouring the shampoo into my hair.  I began feeling calmer humming Demi Lovato's 'sorry not sorry' tune. I paused feeling a weird alert sense in the pit of my stomach as a sudden hand wrapped around my waist. I froze in shock whilst the other hand moved it's way to my mouth as it pulled me towards themselves.

What the fuck?

What the fuck?

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