Chapter 50- DING DONG

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**** OKAY everyone it's finally time****
This is the LAST CHAPTER of Heartbreaker and there will be no more sequels after this. I've honestly had so much fun writing this and I appreciate all of you who have stuck by me even though I stopped writing this for a ages due to getting writers block and being busy. However, the ideas came back and I've poured it all out in this book so I hope you guys have enjoyed every moment of it. It's been a rollercoaster of emotions for ME as a writer but also, ZARA. You went through her journey with her and heard her story.

A BIG shoutout to my best friend, whose always had my back in every single thing I've done. To every single chapter this person described and let me know what they thought of my books and always supported me through thick and thin. You know who you are ;)



We were in Damien's apartment finishing off what we had started in the beach, I'll spare you the details but in the end we both collapsed back on a bed breathing out heavily.

"That was amazing", Damien grinned before turning his head towards me and giving me a small kiss.

"That has most definitely destroyed me", I say wide eyed, I was still out of breath but begin to laugh as I look at him.

"Sorry you cant handle the d", he said teasingly.

"I can handle it but how the hell, I don't even know how we managed to do it with such a big ding dong", I reply.

"Ding dong? What the fuck Zara", he burst into laughter at the stupid nick name.

"It was the first thing that came to my mind", I said grinning.

"Well don't lie and tell me it wasn't amazing", he said kissing my neck.

"It was amazing..", I admit.

"But I have some news to tell you but I'm to tired right now. All I want is this makeup off my face and for me to get some sleep after that workout we just had", I say my eyelids feel heavy.

"Can you take it off for me?", I say giving him my best puppy dog eyes.

He grabs my face in one hand squeezing my cheeks together so it looked like I'm pouting before kissing it deeply.

"Sure, you have that tissue paper?", he asks.

I look at him and begin laughing, "if by toilet paper you mean wipes then, there in my bag".

Damien gets up and goes to take them out of my bag before pulling one out and begins wiping the makeup of my face. I close my eyes lazily whilst he takes it off.

"Owww don't do it to hard your hurting my face", I groan.

"Stop being a baby you wanted this off now suck it in", he says clearly he was amused.

"Did I ever tell you, you have really long pretty lashes", he compliments me which makes me grin.

"They're fake lashes you just pull them off", I'm literally laughing my head off when I open my eyes to see him wide eyed.

"Why do you girls do this to yourselves", He asks exasperated.

"Cause they look pretty it's not a big deal", I reply smirking.

Damien slowly begins to pull them off and he's literally concentrating so hard not to hurt me and he looks adorable.

"Okay I took the butterflies out of your face let me just wipe your face one more time", he now sounds like he knows what he's doing when he pulls out another wipe and gently begins wiping away the contents.

"That is a whole load of effort before going to bed", he tells me.

"Tell me about it", I reply laughing.

"Well you look beautiful both ways", he smiles a cheesy smile and throws the wipes in the bin.

"Good night Cindy", he tells me as he gets on the bed and snuggles against me.

"Wait let me just tell you what I needed to tell you", I say looking at him seriously.

"Okay go for it", he says looking at me adorable with his pretty green eyes that always made my heart flutter.

"Okay", I pause looking at him seriously.

"I'm pregnant", I say monotone.

He blinks a couple of times not knowing how to react but then pulls himself up and looks at me seriously.

"Wha...aa..t?", he asks stuttering the word.

"I'm pregnant", I repeat again looking dead at him in the face.

"Well.. if you're pregnant that means it's not my baby it's Daniels", his eyes fill with hurt and anger.

"Why do you say that?", I ask my heart is racing fast.

"— because we've only had sex twice. Once it was two years ago and the other literally 15 minutes ago", he's yelling now sounding panicked.

"I don't know what to say", i reply.

"Fuck Zara you really know how to fuck with a guys head", both hands are placed on his face covering his face.

"I'm sorry", I say my voice is shaking.

"I'm sorry too", he replies shaking his head angrily before getting up and saying, "I need to think".

"Wait—", I say stopping him whilst he's trying to leave the room.

"What", he says not able to look me in the eyes.

"My dearest love, How does it feel to know your girlfriends pregnant with another mans child. Karmas a bitch baby, just like you", my voice is playful as i crack him a mischievous smile amused at his shocked expression.

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