Chapter 48- Blue Eyed Prince

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I walked out of the crowd in search of Daniel, my heart was pumping fast because of what I was going to say to him. I didn't know where to begin but I knew it was time to tell him the truth. I was nervous but I smiled moving my head and scanning the room. It was a fail really because everyone was wearing masks so it was quite hard to make it out who was who.

However, as I said before I knew those eyes and could recognise him from a mile away. I caught sight of my blue eyed prince and slowly walked up to him.

"Hey you", I said smiling at him.

"Walk with me?" I ask him but link my arm to his not waiting for his reply as I drag him out of the ball room.

"So, before I was so rudely cut off I wanted to continue what I had to say", he says slowly. We somehow manage to find our way towards a balcony. The sky was a pitch black but what made it bright and beautiful was the stars that lit the place up. It was a peaceful dreamy night. We both took off our masks smiling at each other.

"I want to apologise again for what I did with Katie— it was in excusable. Especially as it was with her, I feel so guilty and honestly from the bottom of my heart, I'm sorry Zara", he says this seriously taking a step closer towards me.

"You need to know something that I just found out literally a couple of minutes ago", I reply I give him a small smile.

"What thing?", he asks.

"Yeah you slept with Katie but it wasn't like you thought it was. Katie drugged you and got you drunk and out of it. That was the only way she could get you in bed with her", my voice has a bitter tone to it but I tried to soften it as I look as his wide eyed expression.

"Are you telling me I technically got raped by a girl?", he speaks slowly dragging the words out.

"Unfortunately", I reply.

Daniel looks at me his hard facial expressions change when I see his eye crease in the corners before he collapses in fits of laughter throwing his head back as his shoulders shake.

"Fuck", he says trying to take deep breaths but he just can't help himself it's really making me want to laugh too but I'm trying to be serious.

"Katie was one fucked up cow that's for sure. I'm just glad I didn't do it willingly, it makes me feel less guilty", he finally says wiping the tears of laughter that had settled in his eyes.

"Yeah she was and I'm sorry that happened to you", I give him a small smile before turning back to look at the sky, there was a nice breeze to the air that made me want to relax and be calm.

"Don't apologise I guess we've both fucked up I mean I was mad for thinking you slept with Dylan and you was mad for because I slept with Katie it's actually just hilarious if you think about it", he grins at me making me laugh.

"Truth", I reply.

"You wanna go back to the masquerade?", he asks.

"No I just need to confess one more thing to you", I slowly say.

"Oh dear", he replies chuckling.

"I want to answer your question the one you told me to answer when I was ready. Well now I'm ready", I say as I take a deep breath, I'm nervous but excited.

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