Chapter 32- Beer Pong

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Damien and I had quickly ran to the shops to grab me a dress for the party. After lots of furrowing and searching I found a simple black dress that wasn't to high in price thank god. I put it on analyzing it, it's tight stretchy material hugged my curves and drew a slight
attention to my breasts. I nodded approvingly as I took it off and told Damien to pay for it whilst handing him money which he refused arguing that he'd pay for it.

All I could hear was the drumming vibration in my ear as we walked together into the party, it was a guy Damien knew at uni called josh and boy was his party wild.

There were so many people that we had to push past trying to make our way to get drinks.

We finally managed to reach the drinks in the kitchen grabbing our red cups and pouring ourselves some beer.

"Whose ready for some beer pong?" Yelled an excited drunken voice. I heard people screaming in agreement and excitement.

"Hey Damien what's up dude?", an attractive guy with chocolate mousse skin appeared giving Damien a hug and a high five.

"Hey man, lit party", Damien said grinning.

"Ofcourse", he nodded in agreement before turning his attention to me, "and who might this gorgeous lady be?", he said giving me a charming smile.

"Zara", I replied flashing him a smile back.

"Damien how come you've never introduced me before", he was clearly flirting now and I couldn't help but grin when I turned to Damien who rolled his eyes. His hands moved to my waist before looking at at josh, "Shes taken bro", he turned to look at me winking.

"Actually I'm not", I blurt out trying to annoy and tease Damien who clenched his jaw narrowing his eyes.

"Well if you're ever interested in a conversation Zara, I'm always around", Josh winked getting the vibe that I was trying to tick off Damien and wanted to help me.

Damien rolled his eyes but grinned, "You're both assholes", making both me and Josh burst out laughing.

"Right time for some fun, we're playing beer pong. I want to get everyone drunk as ever so they can spill all their dirty secrets", Josh said clapping his hands together mischievously, dimples appeared on both sides of his cheeks making him look even more attractive as he turned around and we followed behind him.

"Drunk as ever", sounds good I say to Damien laughing, he chuckles back, "oh Zara you really are a bad girl now", he said.

"And you're the bad boy remember", I said before grabbing his arm and yelling, "Now let's go get drunk".


I threw the ball and it bounced off the table and onto the floor. Shit I was really bad at this game.

Damien on the other hand was very good at this game it's as though he had years of practice which he clearly had, had. I didn't think he minded that I was so bad because we were clearly winning because the opposing team had just one more cup left.

"I think you've had enough", Damien said smirking at me, it was Josh and A girl named Riley's turn, but I hadn't, had enough I wanted to keep playing, I was actually enjoying myself even though I kept losing.

Josh threw the ball and it went straight into the cup causing both me and Damien to groan out. I drank another glass full of beer.

"We're playing until I get the ball in", I say adamant on winning even though I could tell my vision was getting slightly hazy and that I was indeed drunker than ever.

"Well then you're up again", he said grinning.

"You've got this princess", he said whispering behind my ear making me shiver slightly.

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