So guys I'm going to switch up this chapter by putting it in Damien's point of view just this once because he's the one whose going to go to Katie to carry out the plan. (You'll get Zaras point of view also later on so you get an idea of her thoughts and plans.) Let me know what you guys think of this P.O.V.
(Damien's point of view)
I had finally reached Katie's apartment, right now I had my game face on. Eager to get this over and done with once and for all and destroy this attention seeking bitch. I had my iPhone on 100% ready to record what would happen. I walked up the steps and knocked on the door impatiently tapping my feet as I waited.
I press the record button.
A few moments later the door swings over and Katie appears grinning at me. I can tell she's eager to try and please me, impress me even when she pulls me in and shuts the door behind her. The clothes she wore were provocative and her body posture indicated she was trying to turn me on. So I bit my lip and looked her up and down raising an eyebrow as though impressed with everything I saw.
"You look sexy", I said winking at her.
Katie blushed and tucked a strand of her dirty blonde hair behind her ear. She wore red lipstick which seemed to compliment her blue eyes. It wasn't that I didn't recognize how beautiful she was, I did.
However, psycho bitch stalker wasn't my type.
"Thank you, I'm glad you like it", she replied grinning at me as she reaches for my hand and pulls me to the sofa.
"I also like you", I said flashing her a smile as I flirted.
"I've been waiting a long time for you to say that", she replies her blue eyes felt like they were piercing into my soul.
"Well I've finally said it. I thought I had hinted that to you well but then you sent me the message about Zara", I said raising an eyebrow.
"Well I thought you and her were all back together I mean you were with her at that party", she said accusingly, her face had changed from sweet to vicious in a matter of seconds.
"And you were with Daniel. Sleeping with him apparently", I mimic her tone trying to make myself sound jealous as I looked at her scowling.
Her facial expression changed when she reached towards my hands and holds it, "I only slept with Daniel to piss Zara off, it didn't mean anything", she confessed.
Okay we were getting somewhere with the confessions, I just needed to be sly with the way I asked her or said anything else.
"And Daniel willingly slept with you? I thought he was all loved up with Zara?", my tone sounded bored.
"Oh he's totally loved up with her that's why I got him drunk and drugged up so he'd be more than willing to sleep with me", she giggled evilly her blue eyes flashing in satisfaction.
I was shocked when I heard this, so Katie had drugged the poor guy? Well she sure knew how to get what she wanted, id give her that.
"You're crazy", I say giving her a throaty chuckle.
"But it turns me on", I grin at her.
"It doesn't bother you that I've been a very bad girl?", she asks moving closer towards me I could feel her breath on my lips.
"Well I guess it annoyed me at the start but I don't care about her anymore", I throw my head back in a chuckle, I surprise myself at how cold I sound.
"Well I did that all for us", she replies batting her eyelashes at me.
"You did what for us?", I reply pretending to act dumb and oblivious.
"Well you broke my heart when I saw you with that slut, you fucked her. I knew you weren't in love with her of course that you were just using her for sex, but, I wanted to remind you that you were mine. That's why I recorded you having sex with Zara and that's why I threatened to send it to all her uni options and expose her to the world for what a slut she's been", Katie spoke bitterly but as though what she was saying was all normal.
Bingo, I had hit the jackpot.
"Why did you hide cameras in my room though?" I asked curiously. Obviously because this bitch was crazy but I wanted it on recording.
"I had to make sure you'd stay loyal to me of course, I mean I need to know what you're doing at all times if you're my boyfriend duhhh", she said rolling her eyes as though it was obvious.
"But you didn't stay loyal to me", she huffed.
"But it's okay I forgive you as long as you've learnt your lesson", she said enthusiastically.
Katie got up and placed herself on my lap I was taken by surprise as she looks at me with those intense eyes of hers, in all honesty they kind of creeped me out. They were so unexpressive and cold like she didn't have any type of emotions. It was like her iris was frozen like a lake and it gave me this chill like something was off.
Then she leaned in and placed her lips on mine I didn't want to do kiss her back but I knew that if I didn't kiss her she'd know something was off. Her lips felt rough against mine, not like the feeling I got when I kissed Zara. My mind fumbled back to Zara, I felt the guilt overwhelm me and I tried to push it aside and so closed my eyes and kissed Katie back.
Realizing just a little to late that she had reached inside my jacket pocket and pulled out my iPhone quickly enough before I had time to react.
"I knew it", she spat the words out like it was a snakes venom and her eyes looked emotionless and even more colder now.
I had been caught red handed and the only words I could think of was.... OH Fuck this bitch gone kill me...

Heartbreaker BOOK 2 after irresistible #COMPLETED
RomanceTHIS IS THE SECOND BOOK AFTER IRRESISTIBLE. If you haven't already read the first one to understand this one! :) When you make a bet with an enemy, an enemy out to destroy you and make your life a living hell and it she does. A once simple small tow...