Chapter 11- Running in heels

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My lips were still tingling as sore from the way he had kissed me. For fuck sake Franco, what were you trying to do? I sighed as I pulled my leather jacket closer towards me suddenly having the feeling of needing to run and let everything go. So I did, in my high heel booted heel, which I know is clever as hell. I ran.

The wind hit me hard as it felt like sharp cold slaps to the cheek I cursed as I drew my breath exhaling sharp cold as I continued to run. It made me feel relief even though I was freezing my ass off. I ran until I reached my flat opening the door I stripped all of my clothes and jumped into my warm inviting bed. I needed to sleep Damien off. I was Damien sick.


"Hey", I screamed excitedly as I saw my bestfriend from my other life walk out of the airport and run towards me pulling me into a big cuddly hug.

"Hey Z, omg I missed you, you little dork", Sean said ruffling my head like a little kid. I was excited to see him, he was one of my best mates after all and he too knew all the fuckery that Damien did to me.

"Missed you too Sean", I said laughing as I kissed him in the cheek and directed him to my car.

"Sooooo tell me all the gossip cause of course you and Natalie got me into all the gossip and drama back in the days", he said slapping his hand to his chest dramatically.

"Oh hun well your sure going to love this", I said laughing slightly as I imagined his face when I told him what had occurred.

"Spill",he said raising his eyebrow.

"Well for starters Daniel and I are a thing... Kind off", I said smirking.

"Oh really? I thought you guys were already a thing with the whole sleeping with eachother and whatever other things you get up to with eachother", he replied sarcastically but then gently squeezed my arm, "Nah I'm happy that you moved on though Z, you deserve happiness".

"Speaking of moving on", I coughed awkwardly before continuing, "Guess who decided to turn up just as things were starting to get better?"

"Who?", he said slowly but curiously before his eyes widened in shock as he turned and looked at me.

"No fucking way, don't tell me it's who I think it is?", he said astonished.

"Yup, the notorious Damien Franco is back", I said popping the p of the Yup.

"Out of all places where you live?", he asked still shocked.

"Apparantly he wants us to start over and he apologised, not that his apology was accepted but he was seeming genuinely sorry", I replied.

"Oh Nope girl you better not be falling for his trap. That boy is trouble", Sean said seriously.

"Trust me stay away from him", he continued to warn and I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Don't worry Sean I've got this", I said but did I really have it?

"Anyway, let's forget about that disaster, it's time to party. Are you ready Mr Sean?", I asked mischievously.

"Zara it's 9AM", he retorted scratching his head.

"Didn't you hear I'm a party animal?", I said winking at him before he groaned.

"I remember the times I was encouraging you to party and now it's the other way round?", I shook his head laughing before looking at me deeply.

"You've changed though Z", he said curiously.

"Yes I have I needed to in order to cope with all that shit that happened", I said my voice getting slightly cracked up but I shook my head, "Anyway you ready to party?", I asked as I turned the music up.

"Always ready Z", he shouted above the music.

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