Chapter 34- 'Shit'

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After taking that shower and rethinking about my life choices and how never to drink that much again, it hit me, the thing I was trying so hard to block out.

Daniel and Katie.

I felt betrayed and disappointment. If I thought about it to much it made me angry, livid actually. Out of everyone Daniel chose to sleep with it had to be Katie. I was trying to understand the reason behind the betrayal, maybe he was getting back at me when I told him I had slept with Dylan- I mean he didn't know that is was all a misunderstanding until I had seen him in bed with her.

It wasn't that though, it was like the kind, caring Daniel I once knew changed into a backstabbing aggressive asshole. Weirdly the roles had reversed with him and Damien it was as though Damien seemed to be the caring one now... Maybe it was just Daniels bitterness with everything. I didn't know, my mind was jumbled and confused screaming at me in my head repeatedly saying; Betrayal, betrayal, betrayal.

To add dramatic effect to this all I picked up my iPhone and began playing Rihanna, "love the way you lie", as I began brooding in my misery whilst I got changed, my back pack was back in the room I had left, Damien must have found the place I had dumped it at the party and taken it for me.

The only way to describe this feeling was 'shit', it was the feeling I had got inside my gut when I opened the door to find the person I loved naked with the person that made my life a misery. 'Shit' was the look on Katie's face when she turned around to see my drunken body wide eyed and vulnerable. 'Shit' was also the term used when uttered under Daniels breath when realizing he'd been caught red handed with the enemy. 'Shit', was what I called my love life. Lastly, 'Shit', was this glorified overrated misery I lived in.

Daniel was a piece of shit in all honesty. Well at least his actions were.

I realized if I sat around all day in self pity it wouldn't do me no good. With the banging in my head which was slowly starting to subside thanks to Damien I decided I needed to study when I left this place. However, I needed answers. What had happened yesterday after I passed out? And again, where was I and how did I get here?

I realized the bed and floor which had, had a pool of puke dispersed everywhere, was now clean with new sheets and a perfectly made bed. It still had a hint of vomit lingering around in the air but besides that the room was cleaner than I had left it.

After I had finished dressing myself I paused the song on my playlist, taking my phone and opening the door peering out. The place was unfamiliar I assumed it must have been Damien's flat but I wasn't sure. I wondered where Damien was, I could hear music playing so I followed the sound before slowly poking my head peering at Damien who was to my amusement dancing around the kitchen with a wooden spoon and topless, as he began singing the lyrics of Bruno mars 'finesse''. My mood instantly lifted as I saw the happiness in his face as he danced around carefree of the world. My face broke into a smile, as I stared at him adorably.

He spun around pausing as I froze gawking at his exposed torso. I was always mesmerized by his physique and how sexy he could look without even trying. Damien's chiseled chest emphasized how he was so sculpted in perfection.He was admired by any women who saw him and envied by every man.

When he saw me grinning like a maniac I was surprised to see that he didn't automatically shy away or get embarrassed, instead he walked towards me grabbing my hand and began spinning me around making me match his goofy dancing whilst I giggled.

"Come and sing with me", Damien said excitedly laughing as he grabbed a spoon and gave it to me and taking his spoon as he put it near his lips and began singing.

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