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It wasn't until lunchtime that Patrick and Pete's Mom came downstairs. Pete's Dad had made all the kids sandwiches, but Patrick didn't eat. Pete thought that was weird. He hadn't had breakfast, and now he didn't want lunch?

Pete added it to the list of reasons why Patrick was weird.

"Are you okay with taking the kids to their Music lessons?" Pete's Mom asked Pete's Dad. "I have to take Patrick out. He's in desperate need of some new clothes, and there's a couple of other things he needs."

Pete and Hillary had music lessons on a Saturday afternoon. Pete liked his music lessons because he would always meet up with Andy afterwards. And Joe, but they never really spoke to Joe. Joe was weird. Plus, Pete wasn't half bad at the bass guitar. Hillary was learning piano, and although Pete got in trouble for saying so, she really sucked at it.

"M-Mrs W-Wentz..." Patrick whispered, tugging on her shirt.

"Yeah Patty?"

Pete hated it when his mother called Patrick that.

"Y-You don't h-have to g-get me c-clothes, i-it's okay..."

Pete all of a sudden took note of what Patrick was wearing. "That's my favourite shirt!"

"Peter!" Pete's Dad scolded.

"I can't believe you're wearing my clothes now too!" Pete exclaimed. "Why do you keep stealing all my stuff?!"

Patrick looked startled and moved slightly behind Pete's Mom's leg.

"And stop stealing my parents! Get your own!" He snapped finally.

"PETER LEWIS KINGSTON WENTZ III!" His father shouted, looking angrier than the time that he had drawn on the wall in permanent market.

Pete was honestly terrified.

"Go to bed. Now."

"But it's the middle of the day!"


Pete knew better than to argue with that.

And the worst kick in the guts was the sound of his parent's soothing Patrick's tears as Pete made his way up the stairs.

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