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Dr Urie's office was boring, Pete decided.

The walls were white, the furniture was all white, and the carpet was grey. There wasn't anything cool anywhere other than the crayons and the paper on the coffee table that everyone was sitting around. He could think of hundreds of places where he'd rather spend his Saturday morning.

"I'm bored." Pete stated.

"We'll start soon, I promise." Dr Urie murmured as he flicked through his filing cabinet. "I'm just trying to find something."

Patrick was sitting in between Pete's Mom and Dad, nervously squeezing his hands together. Pete thought he looked terrified. He decided that it was because he had his shoes on the white couch, and was going to get in trouble for that. But surprisingly, nobody got mad at him for it.

"So, let's start with some conversation to start us off. How have you all been this week?" Dr Urie asked eventually as he sat down in his big, fancy armchair.

"Good!" Andrew chirped.

"That's good." Dr Urie smiled. "We're going to start today by playing a game. On this beach ball is a whole group of questions. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to throw it to someone, and when they catch it, they have to answer whatever question their hand is on."

Pete seemed rather excited, he liked ball games.

"Do you want to start Peter?" Dr Urie asked with a smile.

Pete nodded. "Uh huh."

Dr Urie threw him the ball. "Which question is closest to your thumb?"

He turned the ball so he could find it. "What is your favourite sport? Um... baseball."

Dr Urie smiled. "That's cool. Do you play?"

He nodded. "I'm going to when the season starts this year."

"That's awesome Peter. Do you want to throw the ball to someone else now?"

Pete threw the ball to Pete's Dad, who caught it on his first try. "What would make you happiest in the world? Hmm. I'd say spending more time with my family."

Dr Urie smiled again. "Good. Your turn to throw."

Pete's Dad threw it gently to Patrick, which Pete didn't think was fair because Patrick was sitting right next to him. Patrick located his question and took a deep breath in.

"W-Whichhhhhhh, uh..." He paused. "I d-don't know that word."

"Can't you read?" Pete asked, a little astounded. Pete's Dad gave him a warning look.

Pete's Mom leaned over to see. "What's your favourite animal?"

"A, A tiger." He decided finally.

Dr Urie smiled. "Why did you pick a tiger?"

"B-Because they're stripy, like me."

Pete's Mom and Dad went awkwardly silent, and Pete wondered why.

"Alright Patrick, we'll talk more about that on Monday. Can you throw it to someone else now?"

Patrick threw the ball to Hillary, and Pete read her question because she was only five and not very good at reading yet.

"What do you wanna do when you grow up?"

Hillary considered. "A Mommy."

Pete's Mom smiled proudly.

"That's good Hillary. Can you throw the ball to someone who hasn't had a turn yet?"

Hillary passed it to Andrew, who just handed it back to Pete to read the question.

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