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"Pete?" Patrick whispered when they were both in bed that night.
Pete, who was only just starting to drift off, rolled over on his bed with a groan. "What?!"
Patrick bit his lip nervously. "I-I'm sorry..."
"For?" Pete had a list of things that Patrick could be sorry for.
"Up-Upsetting you." Patrick stammered.
Pete was silent for a moment, before groaning and rolling back over.
There was a moment of silence between them for a moment.
"What?!" Pete snapped again.
Patrick whimpered slightly, but took a deep breath. "Would y-you like it if I was g-gone?"
"Huh?" Pete asked.
"G-gone." Patrick whispered.
"Well, yeah." Pete considered. "Where would you go?"
Patrick was silent.
"Where would you go?" Pete repeated.
"Away, forever."
"Yeah, but like, to another family?"
"To another town?"
"To another state?"
"To the moon?!"
"Nope." Patrick breathed.
"Where would you go then?" Pete asked, confused.
Patrick started crying to himself, rolling over to muffle the sounds into his pillow.
"Patrick?" Pete asked quietly.
After not getting a response, something took over Pete and he climbed down the ladder of his bunk bed and approached Patrick's bed.
"What's wrong?" He asked, sitting down on the end of it.
"G-go a-away." Patrick sniffled.
Pete frowned. "I'm trying to be nice."
"W-why?!" Patrick accused. "You hate me!"
"Only a little bit?"
Patrick shoved his face back into the pillow and continued his sob fest.
"What's wrong?" Pete asked again.
"I d-don't know where I'd go." Patrick sniffled. "B-But I'd t-take a knife from the kitchen t-that M-Mrs W-Wentz uses to chop t-the vegetables and t-then I-I'd put it n-near my h-heart l-like Daddy did t-to M-Mommy and t-then you c-could have y-your room back a-and M-Mrs Wentz w-wouldn't have t-to look after m-me anymore and e-everything would j-just be.... easier."
The room was silent for a few minutes as both of them took in what has just been said.
"I don't want you gone like that Patrick." Pete whispered. "I'd like it if you went and lived with another family but I don't want you to die."
"B-But I d-deserve it."
"What? No you don't."
Patrick didn't say anything more. He strapped his fake leg on, grabbed his little flashlight and left the room, climbing into bed between Mr and Mrs Wentz.
But for some reason, Pete didn't mind this time.

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