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Patrick didn't come back from the hospital for quite a long time.

Pete's parents would take it in turns being at home and being with Patrick. SOmetimes tey;d even spend the night at the hospital with him. Pete was kept in the dark about most of it, whenever he went to his parents to find out what had happened, they'd just ignore him or say they were too tired to explain now.

Pete had been in a looooooot of trouble since Christmas. He wasn't allowed to go to Andy's house, or watch TV, or have ice cream after dinner, or go to the park, HIs mother had confiscated all his favourite toys, and Pete's side of the room was almost stripped bare.

Pete didn't argue. He didn't know what was wrong with Patrick, but he knew it was his fault. HIs mother didn't tell him that exactly, but it was implied through the punishments. If he hadn't been so mean on Christmas day, then Patrick wouldn't be in the hospital and everything would be normal. Not like now, where Pete's Dad had found the folder that Pete had stolen from the office and he'd been yelled at for what felt like hours. Not like now, when his own siblings wouldn't talk to him. Not like now, when he had this ever-hanging guilt over his head for what he'd done.

Pete was sitting at the dinner table with his famther and his siblings. All of them were talking about the impending doom that was 'Back to School'. Not one of them was excited for it.

"Dad?" Hillary asked. "Is Patrick going to be back for when school starts?"

Pete's Dad grimaced. "We don't know yet, Hill."

"But he hasn't come home!" Andrew frowned. "He hasn't come back since Christmas!"

"I know buddy." Pete's Dad sighed. "Patrick's just sick."

Pete knew he wasn't cough-sniffle sick. He was sick in the head, a crazy-sick, almost. He'd been gone for 3 weeks and showed no signs of coming home soon.

"How sick?" Hillary asked.

"Really sick?" Pete's Dad was unsure of himself. This wasn't easy to explain to a three year old, five year old and an 8 year old.

Pete took a nervous deep breath. "Next time you're there, can you tell Patrick I'm sorry?" He whispered.


"I'm sorry." Pete repeated, not looking up from his plate. "Tell Patrick I'm sorry."  

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