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Pete was unsure about going to see Patrick in the hospital. He didn't like hospitals at all - they smelled funny and there were lots of sick people there. It wasn't exactly a fun place either, there were no games or toys or anything interesting to do. Pete was not excited.

They didn't go to the big hospital in the city like Pete expected. Instead, his mother and father took their 3 children to a place that looked more like a big cottage with a white picket fence all around it. There was a sign out the front, and Pete tried to read it, but they passed it too fast.

"This looks like a kindy!" Hillary giggled.

His mother had made all of them wear their nicest clothes. Pete fiddled with his bottom button as his mother led him through the halls of this strange hospital. The walls were all painted with these happy, colourful murals and for some reason, it just made Pete feel uncomfortable. Eventually, they reached room number 39, and Pete's Mom opened the door.

It wasn't like any hospital room Pete had ever seen. The bed was just a noraml bed, and there was a desk and a chair and even a box of toys in the corner. Patrick was curled up on the bed, trying to hide in the very far corner. Dr Urie was there too, trying to assure him that it was okay. Pete's Mom pulled him into a hug, and he just started crying.

Pete didn't understand why, I mean, nothing had really happened other than them walking into the room. Either way, Patrick was crying.

This was going to be a long visit.

"Shh, shh, it's okay Pattycakes. Peter and Andrew and Hillary just wanted to see you!"

"H-H-He!" Patrick stammered. "H-he!"

Pete took a nervous breath. "I'm sorry about what happened on Christmas, Patrick."

Patrick, upon hearing that word, pressed his hands to his ears and screamed.

Pete's Dad quickly dragged Pete out of the room.

"W-Why did he do that?! I said sorry!" Pete stammered.

"I know Pete." He sighed. "Some cuts are too deep to be mended with words. I know you're sorry, but, well, Patrick's problems run a lot deeper than that."  

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