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Pete didn't see much of Patrick for the next week or so.

Pete's parents didn't make him go to school, so he just stayed home while Pete went all alone. And when Pete got home, Patrick was with Dr Urie, and wouldn't get home until dinner time.

Dinner was the only time that they ever spent together. Patrick never said anything during dinner, and just ate in silence before disappearing up to the room. Pete's Dad wouldn't let Pete follow him, and made him sit to watch TV.

And when Pete would go up there at the end, Patrick would already be asleep.

It was weird. He was like a ghost. He lived there, and everyone knew it, but nobody ever saw him or talked to him.

That all changed when Christmas vacation came around. Patrick just kind of sat there, watching as everyone else put up the Christmas tree. Pete's Mom tried to coax him over many, many times, but he just sat and watched.

Hillary and Andrew were putting all the decorations up, while Pete mangled with the tinsel. Pete's Mom gave everyone a santa hat to wear, but Patrick refused.

Pete found it weird. Why on earth would Patrick hate Christmas?! Christmas was the best time of the year ever!

Patrick didn't seem to think so at all.

In fact, when Pete's Mom turned the Christmas Carol's on, Patrick ran out of the room screaming.

Pete's Mom ran after him, Pete's Dad turned the music off. Pete was confused.

"Why does he hate Christmas Dad?"

"I don't know Pete."

That night, after music lessons, Pete's Mom and Dad sat down with Pete, Hillary and Andrew.

"Alright, kids, we have some bad news..."

Pete frowned. "What is it?"

"We're cancelling Christmas."

"WHAT?!" Andrew and Hillary screamed.

Pete's Mom bit her lip. "Don't worry kids, you're still going to get your presents, and we're still going to have a special lunch. We're just not going to call it Christmas, and Santa Claus isn't coming."

"Why not?!"

Pete's Dad jumped in. "Okay, so, Santa Claus is coming, we're just going to change the tags so that it looks like they're from your Mom and me."

Pete was confused. "Why aren't we having a Christmas? Isn't Christmas more fun?"

"Yes, yes. It is. I know. But Patrick's-"

That was all Pete needed to hear. He stormed off, throwing the door to his and Patrick's room wide open.


Patrick screamed and pulled the blankets over himself.

Pete stormed over and yanked them off. "YOU'RE NOTHING BUT AN IDIOT! YOU'RE RUINING CHRISTMAS! CHRISTMAS!!"

Patrick's breaths started getting heavier and heavier, and he started gasping for air in between his sobs. He was screaming and screaming and had given up trying to defend himself, instead was just taking every punch to the chest.

Pete's Mom ran in and pushed Pete away, not caring that she essentially pushed her own 8-year-old son to the floor to comfort another who wasn't even her son. Just a kid. That had ruined Christmas.

Pete spent the rest of the day in time out. And the next day too. And the day after that.

He and Patrick didn't speak for a number of weeks.

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