Chapter 1

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"You are wrong, Niall."

"Come on, B, are you kidding me?"

"I can't believe you, Irish. You are breaking my heart."

"You are just stubborn."

"Excuse me?"

"Yep. You heard me. Moneyball is a great movie, however it is not THE best sports movie ever." Niall insists.

Becca huffs. "Your golf movie is not better than Moneyball."

"The Legend Of Baggar Vance is a phenomenal movie. I mean it has Will Smith, The Fresh Prince in it. How can it not be?"

Becca wraps her arms around Niall's waist. "I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on this one."

Niall grins. "We could say that Moneyball is the best baseball movie and Baggar Vance is the best golf movie."

Becca smiles. "That works. What about the best football movie?"

Niall smirks. "You mean real football or that thing you Americans play?"

"You better watch it, Horan. Your kids will be half American."

"Kids? So you wanna have my babies, do ya?"

Becca moves in for a kiss, biting Niall's lip as she pulls back. "Mmm, I do. I think we should go practice right now."

Niall smirks as she leads him to the bedroom; the bedroom in the home they share in California.

Once in the room, Niall pushes her up against the wall. He stares into her eyes, directing her hair back from her face. "Sometimes when I look at you, I remember the first moment I saw you. I knew I had to make you mine." He brings her left hand to his lips, kissing it. "And here you are, my fiance."

"Speaking of that, Irish, we need to pick a date."

Niall bites her neck while he trails his hand down her stomach. He whispers, "How bout we discuss that later? With what I'm planning on doing to you, you won't be able to think straight for a bit. Well, that is if I do it right."

Becca bites her lips as Niall's fingers find her. "Mmm, you always do it right, Niall."

He cackles, his mouth making it's way to hers as his fingers play her like his favorite guitar.

Later, Becca sits on the couch in the living room, finding the game on TV. Niall brings her the dinner he's prepared.

"Mmm, this looks good, Irish."

"Thanks, Babe." Niall says as he joins her on the couch.

As per usual, Niall finishes his own plate then volunteers to eat half of Becca's as well.

She grins as she hands him the plate. "You are the best diet a girl could find, Horan."

He gives her his best cheesy grin between bites.

When he sets the empty plates on the coffee table, Becca teases. "Are you full?"

Niall grins. "Are you teasing me, Darling?"

He pushes Becca down on the couch, hovering above her while he tickles her waist. "I still have room for dessert." He smirks.

Becca bites her lip. "I might be able to help you with that."

"I was hoping you would." He says before kissing her neck, working his way up to her ready mouth.

They both sigh as Becca's phone rings. She looks at it quickly. "It's Kara, I better answer." "Hi, Kara."

"Hi, Becca. I didn't interrupt anything, did I?" Kara asks.

Becca grins at Niall. "Just Niall's dessert."

"I'm sure that's code for something else. Damn, I miss having dessert with Adam." Kara frowns.

"Kara, I'm sorry that you and Adam can't be together right now, but I'd rather not hear about your sex life." Becca teases.

"Hey, I lived next door to you in a flat with paper thin walls. I literally heard your sex life, you can listen to me complaining about my lack of." Kara insists.

Becca's brows draw together. "Wait...did you really hear us?"

Kara smirks. "Oh, Irish...Yes, Niall...That feels so-"

"Oh my God." Becca interrupts.

"Yeah, you screamed that a lot too." Kara teases.

"Okay, that's enough." Becca insists.

Kara laughs. "I weirdly kind of miss it."

Becca rolls her eyes. "Tell me once again why I'm friends with you?"

Kara laughs loudly. "I'm so glad I called you, Becca. I feel much better."

"Well, I'm glad you do." Becca replies sarcastically. "Is Adam still working in England?"


"I'm selfish, I know, but I'm happy you took the job here." Becca says.

"I like being near you too; even if you are engaged to a leprechaun." Kara grins.

"I'm going to tell him you said that." Becca laughs.

Kara pauses. "Hey, there's someone at my door. I'll talk to you later."

"Bye, Kara."

"I'm ready for dessert." Niall says.

Becca turns her head towards him, her mouth curving into a smile. "Are you wearing anything under that apron, Niall?"

He smirks. "Nope."

As he walks toward her, she stands up. "I'm worried about Kara. She misses Adam."

Niall grins. "She'll be fine. Trust me."

Becca raises her eyebrow. "What do you know?"

"I'm not telling. Now come on, it's dessert time." Niall says as he takes her hand.

"Yes, Chef." Becca says. Grinning, she watches Niall's bare ass cheeks as she follows him to the bedroom.  

You & I (Sequel to What A Feeling)Where stories live. Discover now