Chapter 33

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Niall walks into the bathroom while Becca is showering. "Hey, B. I just got a call from my lawyer."
"What did he say?"

"The police caught the guy who knocked you down. He was a pap and guess who tipped him off?"


"The waitress."

"Wow. I would have preferred her spitting in my food to that." Becca says, shutting off the water.

Niall laughs, reaching for a towel. As Becca steps out of the shower, Niall's first thoughts are of how beautiful she looks. He then catches a glimpse of her back reflected in the mirror. The many dark bruises break his heart.

He gently turns her until her back is facing him. "Do they hurt?" He asks as he gently kisses each purple mark.

"A little." Becca's eyes close slowly, relishing in his sweet, loving kisses.

"We shouldn't go today, Darling."

Her eyes fly open and she turns to face him. "I am not missing the Six Nations match."

Niall wraps the towel around her, kissing her forehead. "Are you sure you feel up to going?"

"Um, it's a sporting event, of course I feel up to going."

Niall starts to protest but Becca interrupts him. "Look, Horan, I married you because you understand my love of sports." She smirks, "Well, maybe a few other reasons too."

Niall grins.

"I don't want a greedy waitress and a rude pap to ruin our honeymoon."

Niall pulls her into his arms, "You're right, B. As long as you feel alright, we should go."

"Thank you, Irish."

He grins. "You know damn well I can't deny you anything." He turns to leave the bathroom. "I ordered breakfast, it should be here any minute."

"I'll get dressed and meet you downstairs."

As Becca is coming down the stairs, she pauses to watch the pretty french girl flirting with her husband. The ugly green monster rears its head yet again. She continues her way down the steps.

"Will there be anything else, Mr. Horan?" The girl asks in her perfect French accent.

Niall heads to the door, opening it for her. "No, thank you."

She smiles and winks, "Have a wonderful day."

He shuts the door and turns to find Becca standing on the last step. "Hey, B. Breakfast is here."

She stands frozen and he recognizes the look on her face. "What's wrong, Darling?"

"She was flirting with you."

"I didn't notice, but if she was then you know how I felt last night with the doctor."

Becca walks towards him. "See that's what I don't understand. I know why I get jealous...because those girls are always so much prettier than I am. But you, Niall, you are more handsome than any man I've ever seen. So why would you ever be jealous?"

Niall rests his hand in her hair, looking into her eyes, he says, "The problem is, when you look in the mirror, you see something different than I do. Darling, you need to start seeing yourself the way I see you."

"What do you see, Irish?"

He smiles, "I see a beautiful woman with sexy curves, long flowing hair, and incredible, unique eyes that take my breath away. I see our shared passions. I see a woman who loves me, a woman I can trust. I see my perfect girl who I can be myself with."

"Crap, Irish, that was beautiful."

He grins. "It's the truth."

"I love you, Niall."

"I love you too, B. Can we eat now? I'm starving."

Becca laughs. "That's my Niall."

"I can't believe I'm at a Six Nations rugby match and I'm not writing about it."

Niall takes her hand. "B, if you want to take notes and write an article, it's totally fine with me."

She rubs her thumb across his hand. "No, it's okay, I don't want to work on our honeymoon. I'm just going to enjoy being here with you. I'm so glad you got these tickets."

"Well I knew our honeymoon wouldn't be complete without fitting in some sports." Niall winks.

Halfway through the second half of the match, Becca's phone rings. She reluctantly untangles her arm from Niall's to check the screen. "It's Bob from Sky Sports." She tells Niall.

"Your old boss? You should answer it."

She nods, clicking the accept button. "Hello?" She motions to Niall that she will take the call around the corner.

When she returns to her seat, Niall asks, "So? What was that about?"

"He wants me to come back to Sky Sports."

"Does he now?" Niall smirks.

"Yep. He said he's found the money to pay me what I'm worth. And I'd have free reign to cover whatever I want."

"That would mean moving back to London...and not covering baseball or basketball."


Niall can practically see the wheels turning in her mind. "You don't have to decide right now, you know."

Becca shakes the thoughts from her head. "You're right. I told him we were on our honeymoon and I'd need some time."

"Alright then, get your cute butt over here and cuddle with me for the rest of the match."

Becca grins as she leans against Niall. "I'd like nothing more, Irish."

That evening, back at the hotel, Niall leads his bride into the spa room.

Becca smirks as she takes in the large tub with candles lit all around the edge. "A bath for two?"

"Even better, it's a hot tub."

Becca wraps her arms around his neck, "Mmm, this should be fun."

They begin undressing each other, then Niall helps her into the tub. He grabs a bottle of champagne and a plate of cookies before joining her.

"You like your desserts, don't you, Irish?"

"When they involve you, I do." He winks.

A concerned look comes across Niall's face. "How are you feeling?" He lightly touches one of her bruises.

"It still hurts, but I'm fine, Irish."

He smirks. "So, you feel up to..." He raises his eyebrows.

She grins, "Niall, I would have to be in a full body cast to not want to be with you."

"I promise to be gentle, B." He says as he reaches for a madeleine.

"Mmm, that looks good."

He holds the cookie for Becca to take a bite. As she does, the powdered sugar coats her lips.

Niall moves in, licking it away, his tongue then slipping between her lips. Becca moaning as he does. He pulls back, holding the cookie near her lips again.

She takes a bite and this time the powdered sugar falls onto her chest.

Niall smirks, "Oh please, allow me."

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