Chapter 6

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"Hey, Becca."

"Hi, Grant. What's wrong? You look irritated."

Becca's co-worker frowns. "The new reporter started this morning and I already can't stand her."

"Great. What's her deal?" Becca asks.

Grant leans in close. "She thinks she's God's gift to sports journalism. The most rude and condescending person I've ever met."

As he moves back, Becca can't help but notice how great he smells. Her focus returning, she asks, "Wait, she got here like an hour ago and you already feel this way?"

Another co-worker walks by. "She's such a bitch."

Grant smiles. "See, she's already alienated everyone. Except the boss of course, she's kissing his ass."

"Thanks for the heads up. I better get to work." Becca says.

As she walks to her desk, Becca spots the newbie from across the room. She's wearing six layers of makeup, four inch high heels, fake lashes, and enough hair extensions to choke a horse.

With a smug look on her face, she approaches Becca.

Becca takes in the expensive, tailored suit that she's wearing, then looking down at her own jeans and sweater.

"You must be the famous Becca." She extends her hand. "I'm Barbie."

Becca tries to stifle a grin as she shakes her hand. "I don't know about famous, but yes, I'm Becca. Nice to meet you."

Barbie smirks. "You may want to save that last sentence. Just so you know, I intend on being the number one female reporter here, so that will make you number two and no one cares about number two."

Becca furrows her brow. "Are you for real? I'm not here to play games with you. My career is very important to me, but most of all, I love sports."

"Oh, how cute." Barbie says with a condescending tone.

Becca's phone rings. As she looks at the screen, Barbie asks, "Is that your boyfriend from the boyband?"

Becca quickly evaluates how much trouble she'd get in if she hauled off and punched 'Sports Reporter Barbie'. Deciding she's not worth it, Becca replies. "My fiancé is a musician, yes."

Barbie smirks. "Fiancé, huh? Well that's not husband, is it? He's pretty hot."

Grant shows up just in time to hold Becca back.

"I'm gonna kill her, Grant."

"Yeah, well get in line."

Later that day, Becca arrives at the Warriors practice facility. She's writing an article about the new players on the team before the season starts.

"Hey, Becca."

"Hi Steph."

They share a quick hug.

"How's Niall?" Steph asks.

"He's great."

"Tell him we need to go golfing again soon."

"I will. He'd love that."

As Steph returns to practice, Becca hears a voice in her ear, a voice she's come to dislike already.

"Isn't that precious?"

"Has anyone ever told you that you sound like a Disney villain?" Becca asks.

Barbie laughs. "Actually, yes. I always take it as a compliment."

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