Chapter 2

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Kara opens her front door. "Adam!" She screams and leaps into his arms.

He drops his bags to catch her. "Hey, Babe, you miss me?" He teases.

"Are you kidding me?" She says before her mouth is on his, her tongue quickly finding his.

"Mmm, maybe we should take this inside." Adam says as he carries Kara inside the apartment.

Once inside, she jumps down, then pushes Adam up against the wall. "Thank God you're here, the toys just weren't cutting it anymore."

"Babe, I don't want to hear about the toys."

"But I always think of you when I use them, Hot Adam." Kara winks.

He grasps her hips, pulling her closer. "Well, I'm here now and I'm the only toy you need."

Kara smirks. "Hell yeah you are."

Adam grins, whispering in her ear, "And I'm staying."

Kara pulls back. "Really?" Adam nods.

She is surprised by the happy tears spilling down her cheeks.

The next night, the two couples meet for dinner.

"I'm glad you'll be living here now, mate." Niall says.

"Thanks. Me too." Adam takes a seat at the bar. "I'm exhausted though."

Niall grins. "Kara keeping you busy?"

Adam smirks. "Apparently she missed me as much as I missed her."

"I'm happy for you guys." Niall says before his attention is diverted.

Adam grins, first looking at his friend then his eyes follow Niall's to his distraction...Becca.

Becca and Kara are walking back from the restroom. The look in Niall's eyes is as though he is seeing Becca for the first time.

"She still has quite the affect on you, doesn't she?" Adam asks.

Niall continues to watch Becca. "She still makes me nervous when she walks in the room."

Adam stands, patting his friend on the back. "With you two, I don't think the butterflies will ever die."

Niall looks at Adam with a smile. "I know they won't for me."

"Hey Kara, look at these two hot guys. Shall we let them buy us dinner?" Becca teases.

"We should. And if they play their cards right, they might get lucky tonight." Kara adds.

Becca approaches Niall, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I'll take the sexy leprechaun."

Niall cackles. "I love you, B."

"You love me? But we just met, sexy leprechaun." Becca winks.

Niall looks serious. "B, I think I fell in love with you the first time I saw you."

Becca grins, whispering in his ear. "You are so getting lucky tonight, Irish."

Niall laughs loudly.

Over dinner, Adam gives everyone the details of his new job.

Kara squeezes his hand. "I'm so glad we can be together now."

Adam smiles. "I missed you so much." Then looking at Niall and Becca. "When will you two be going back to England?"

Niall shrugs, as a sign of his lack of an answer.

"I'm not sure. I had this great idea that I could cover sports here half of the year and the other half in England. The problem is, there's no break in American sports, so there's no convenient time for us to leave." Becca notices how quiet Niall remains. Her phone buzzes. She's not happy with what she sees on the screen; passing it subtly to Kara.

Kara hands it back with a frown.

Back at home, standing on the balcony outside their bedroom, Niall wraps his arms around Becca's waist. "So, Gorgeous, are you going to tell me what was on your phone?"

She looks up into his blue eyes, surprised.

He grins. "I've come to know you quite well. I can see when you are being sneaky and when something has upset you."

Becca smiles. "I love that you pay that much attention to me; that you notice those little things."

Niall blows out a breath. "I can't take my eyes off of you, B."

Becca swallows hard. "Everyday I can't imagine loving you more, then you do or say something that makes me realize there is no limit to our love."

Niall kisses her forehead. "What's up?"

"It was a text from my parents. They want to come meet you."

Niall grins. "That's great, B." Then his face falls. "Do you not want them to meet me?"

Seeing his hurt look, she quickly explains, "No, it's not that, Niall. My mom is great, but my dad...well he can be difficult. Your parents are so nice to me, I didn't want you to have to deal with any drama from mine."

"B, that's nothing for you to stress about. Regardless of what your dad thinks of me, or what I think of him, you are still going to be my wife. I love you."

"How did I survive without you, Irish?"

Niall looks up as though thinking. "Honestly, I have no idea." Then his adorable grin appears.

Becca rolls her eyes. "You are so going to get it, Horan."

Niall runs from the room with Becca right behind him. In the kitchen he slows so she can catch him. She tickles him until he pleads for her to stop.

"I'll do anything, just stop." Niall laughs.

"Anything?" Becca asks.


She reaches for the apron, handing it to Niall. "Time for dessert, Irish."

You & I (Sequel to What A Feeling)Where stories live. Discover now