Chapter 18

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"Thanks for your help with the article, Becca." Grant reaches out, resting his hand on hers.

She looks at him with narrowed eyes, sliding her hand away. "You're welcome." That was weird.

"I have a couple of tickets for the Sharks game tomorrow night. I was hoping you'd like to go with me."

Becca looks across the table at Grant. He looks like a teenage boy; hopeful his crush will say yes. Shit. "How many tickets do you have?"

He grins. "Just two."

I've always noticed how cute he is...perhaps I missed the psychotic part. "Grant, it wouldn't be appropriate for me to go without Niall. We are engaged...remember." Becca stands, taking the empty coffee mugs to the sink.

She nearly drops them as Grant pops up behind her, saying, "Yes, engaged...not married. There's still time."

Niall was right, he is fast. Becca grips the edge of the sink to steady herself. Grant is up against her back. Crap, Why didn't I listen to Kara? "Grant, I love Niall and I have every intention of marrying him." She slides away from him, but he follows, catching her where the granite counter makes an L shape. This time they're facing each other.

"Do you want to know how I knew Niall would be golfing?" Grant asks with a smirk.

Becca's mind races. How can I get out of this? He's stronger than I thought.

"I have a friend who works at the golf course. I pay him to tell me whenever Niall schedules time." Grant looks disturbingly pleased with himself.

"I think you should let me go, Grant."

He leans down, his face close to hers.

Becca's heart pounds. How the hell am I going to get out of this?

"Becca, I know you like me too. It's okay to admit it."

"I only like you as a friend."

Grant laughs. "I know that's not true." His look softens as he moves his long body up against hers, his lips almost touching hers. "I love you, Becca. I know you love me because you are always so nice to me. I see it in your eyes." He tries to kiss her, Becca turns her head just in time so that the kiss lands on her cheek.

"Grant, please." She tries to wiggle free, his grip only tightening, hurting her. "Look Grant, I know you aren't a bad person, just confused. When someone is nice to you that doesn't mean they love you."

"I can see it in your eyes though."

"What you see in my eyes is friendship."

He shakes his head. "No." He has one arm around her waist, holding her tight against him. "I'll prove to you how you really feel about me." With the other hand he forcefully holds her face, his lips on hers.

Tears spillover as Becca pushes at his chest to no avail. She swears she just heard the front door; it's familiar squeak. Oh God, please.

"You son of a bitch!"

Becca watches as Grant is pulled off of her and thrown to the floor.

"You okay, Sweetie?"

Becca nods, watching as Kara kicks Grant in a specific area. He cries out, grabbing himself and swearing.

Kara hands Becca a tissue, wrapping her arm around her shoulder, "It's okay now."

"I should have listened to you, Kara."

She smirks. "Honestly, by now you should know I'm right about everything."

Becca grins through the tears.

"Please don't cry, Becca. I'm sorry." Grant says, still on the floor.

"You shut up. You're the one who made her cry." Kara snaps back. Then whispering to Becca, "You want me to call the cops?"

She whispers back, "No. He's not a bad guy really, he's just a bit delusional. Besides, the press would be bad."

Kara nods. "Alright you delusional son of a bitch, get up."

"I can't, you kicked me in the balls."

"I know I did, I could barely find them. Man up."

Grant manages to get up, leaning against the counter.

Kara pushes herself up against him, forcing him to stand up straight, which only exacerbates the pain. She leans in close. "How does it feel to have it done back to you?"

Grant looks over at Becca. "I'm so sorry."

Kara turns his face back to her. "If you leave now and promise to get counseling for your delusional ass, I won't call the cops."

Grant nods.

Before releasing him, Kara adds, "If you ever try to talk to her again...well, the pain you're feeling now will be nothing compared to what I'd do to you."

He swallows hard, nodding.

Kara follows him out, yelling as he walks to his car, "I wasn't kidding about the gun collection!" After locking the door she returns to the kitchen, finding Becca still leaning against the counter. She pulls her in for a hug.

Becca cries against her shoulder. "I should have listened to you and Niall. Why couldn't I see it? Just because I was kind to him, he thought I was in love with him?"

"This wasn't your fault. Don't you dare blame yourself." Kara says as she pours two glasses of expensive Irish whiskey. Setting one in front of Becca, she says, "This calls for the good stuff."

"It's a little early for whiskey, isn't it?"

"Becca, you are shaking, it will calm you down."

She takes a small sip, embracing the burn she feels all the way down her body. "Kara, can I ask you a question?"

"Of course, Sweetie."

Becca smirks, "Are you secretly Wonder Woman?"

Kara laughs. "Bitch, I could be."

"That was quite impressive the way you threw him to the ground. I couldn't even push him off of me. Maybe I need to start going to your trainer."

Kara grins. "Maybe." Then shaking her head. "No, you better not. You might break the leprechaun."

Becca laughs, her best friend's humor and the whiskey calming her nerves.

"Speaking of the leprechaun...are you going to tell him?"

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