Chapter 37

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Kara answers the door to her flat. Becca is shocked at what she sees. Her friend is wearing a tight, short, red dress. "Kara, why are you dressed like that?"

Kara takes a seat on the couch and Becca sits across from her.

"I'm going out with some friends, to a club."

Becca sighs, "Kara."

"Why shouldn't I? Adam did."

"Just because he made a mistake, doesn't mean you should make the same one." Becca pauses before continuing, "He told me nothing happened...and I believe him."

Kara looks down, picking non existent lint off of her dress.

"Has Adam tried to contact you?" Becca asks.

Kara picks up her phone. "Fifty missed calls and about one hundred pleading texts."

Becca raises her brows, "Have you answered him?"

"No. No point, it won't change anything."

Becca rolls her eyes, "As your best friend, I can tell you that you are the most stubborn person I've ever met."

"I'm not stubborn, I'm realistic."

"No, Kara, you are being ridiculously stubborn. Adam is a good man."

The doorbell rings and Kara stands, grabbing her purse. "If he's such a good man, why don't you date him? Oh wait, you're married, and at 23 no less."

"Kara, please don't go."

Kara pauses, knowing somewhere deep down that her friend is right, but the hurt outweighs any logical thinking. "I'll text you later, Becca. Go home to your husband."

Back at the house, Becca leans against the bedroom door, watching Niall. His back is to her as he's folding laundry on the bed. He's loudly singing Slow Hands.

Becca grins as she makes her way to stand beside him. "Hey, Irish. I love that song."

He drops the shirt in his hands, wrapping them around her waist instead. "You should, my love, you inspired it."

She smirks as she locks her fingers together behind his neck. "I did? Perhaps I should inspire you some more...right now." Reaching up on her tiptoes, her lips meet Niall's firmly.

He moans, fueling her on. They both quickly remove the other's clothes, falling backwards onto the bed.

Becca realizes they're laying on the laundry he just folded. "Oops, we're going to ruin all your hard work."

He smirks, "Trust me, Darling, I'll happily re-wash them."

She laughs as his lips meet her neck. Her eyes close slowly as his kisses move down her body. He hovers above her, looking into her eyes. Just when she thinks he's about to say something romantic, he begins singing. "Like sweat dripping down our clean laundry."

Becca laughs, pushing on his shoulder, "You are such a dork."

Niall smirks, "A dork, huh?" His look turns serious and his voice is deep and raspy, "Well, this dork is gonna make you scream."

Becca's breath catches and her heart skips a beat as he enters her. The way he's looking at her along with his perfect movements prove him to be right as she screams out his name.

Niall collapses beside her and pulls her into his arms. "I love you, B."

She grins against his bare chest. "I love you, Dork."

"Thanks for coming with me, B. I'm worried about Adam."

Becca squeezes Niall's hand. "I'm worried about both of them."

Adam answers the door and Becca is shocked for the second time that day. The usually handsome man looks a mess, and he's in serious need of a shower.

"What are you two doing here? It's late."

"We were worried about you, mate."

Adam frowns, "Come on in."

Becca's eyes grow wide as she takes in the flat. Dirty clothes and takeout boxes are everywhere. "Is your friend okay with you trashing his place?" Becca asks.

"He's out of town. I'll clean it up before he gets back."

Niall looks at the television. "What the hell are you watching?"

"The romance channel. I'm watching the kind of movies Kara loves so I can figure out how to win her back." He runs his hand through his dark hair. "I started with Nicholas Sparks movies, but they were so sad, someone always seemed to be dying. I switched to these Hallmark movies. There's no sex, but lots of romantic crap."

Niall laughs, shaking his head.

Adam's brow furrows, " watched a few of these movies on the way to America to win Becca back."

Becca turns to Niall with a grin. "You did?"

"We're not talking about me." Niall blushes. "Well, Adam, did they work? Got any ideas?"

Adam smiles shyly, "I do have an idea. Can I run it past you, Becca?"

"Sure, if you take a shower first."

Adam nods, turning to leave the room. "I'll be right back."

Adam knows that Becca has the Wonder Woman ringtone for Kara. He turns quickly at the sound of it. "Kara?"

Becca frowns at the screen. "It's nothing."

"Becca?" Adam persists.

Niall glances over at the screen. "Ahh geez."

Adam stands in front of Becca, looking from her to Niall. "What is it?"

Becca reluctantly hands him the phone. On the screen is a picture of Kara at a club. She looks incredible and there's two extremely hot guys on either side of her. Each one is kissing her cheek.

"Son of a bitch!"

"Adam-" Becca starts.

"No! No!." He yells.

"Adam, buddy-"

"No, Niall...she's mine!" Adam leaves the room, but not before punching a large hole in the wall.

You & I (Sequel to What A Feeling)Where stories live. Discover now