Chapter 32

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Flashes of light blind Becca to what's happening around her. Someone is yelling Niall's name. The next thing she knows, a large body shoves into hers, knocking her onto the pavement hard. Her brain can't quite register the chaos happening above her. Some kind of scuffle is taking place, an expensive looking camera lands on one side of her as a sexy sounding voice comes from the other side. "Mademoiselle, are you alright?"

Becca turns her head, finding a handsome frenchman. She swallows hard, taking in his dark hair, piercing blue eyes and perfectly sculpted body. "You're really hot. Are you a model?"

He laughs, taking her hand, "No, I'm a doctor."

She grins, forgetting all about the recent events that have left her on the pavement. "Even better."

He smiles and all she can think is Holy crap; that is until she hears the terrified voice cry out her name.


The french doctor continues to hold her hand while she turns her head, finding Niall kneeling down beside her. "Are you alright, B? What the hell happened?"

Becca smiles admiringly at Niall, then turns to look at the doctor. "I think I might be in heaven."

"What?" Niall furrows his brows, noticing for the first time the gentleman holding his wife's other hand.

"I think she may have hit her head. I'd like to keep her tonight."

Niall tenses up. "Excuse me?"

A smile comes across the doctor's handsome face. "Sorry, that came out wrong. I meant I'd like to keep her for observation tonight at the hospital. I'm a doctor." He extends his free hand to Niall, "Andre Masson."

Niall shakes his hand, "Niall Horan...her husband." His tone of voice a clear warning. "Can you please tell me why my wife is on the pavement?"

"Of course, I apologize. A sleazy paparazzi was rushing to get pictures, I assume of you. He slammed into your beautiful wife. I wasn't able to get to her before she fell."

"Where the hell is this guy?" Niall asks, looking around the crowd.

"Those gentlemen over there tried to restrain him but he got away. That's his camera though."

Niall eyes the broken camera on the ground beside him.

Becca begins to focus, releasing her hand from the handsome doctor and placing it instead on the top of Niall's which is already entwined with hers. "I'm fine, Irish."

"I'm sorry I wasn't here to protect you, B."

"Niall, it all happened so fast."

"I would like to check you out." Andre says.

Becca blushes as Niall replies, "I'm sure you already have."

Andre grins, "There I go again. I would like to take you to the hospital to check you out." He says with a wink.

"I'm really fine." Becca attempts to stand. She grabs Niall's arm, feeling dizzy.

"You're going to the hospital now, B."

Hot Dr. Andre returns to the room with Becca's test results. "Everything looks normal. You can go back to your hotel tonight as long as you promise to rest."

"Thank God." Niall blows out a breath.

"Thank you, Dr. Masson." Becca says.

He takes her hand, "Please call me Andre, Rebecca."

She blushes, "I'm sorry for what I said earlier."

"Please don't apologize, I enjoyed it." He winks.

Niall clears his throat. "First off, what the hell did you say to him? Second, is it normal for french men to flirt with a man's wife right in front of him?"

Andre grins, leaning in to whisper in Becca's ear, "A little jealousy is good for a man." He kisses the back of Becca's hand. "Take care, Rebecca." Then making his way to Niall, he slaps him on the back. "Get used to it my friend, you have a beautiful wife."

Niall stands next to the bed as Becca sits up, sliding her legs over the side. She opens them and Niall moves in between them, wrapping his arms around her waist. "You know it's not nice to make your husband jealous on our honeymoon." He smirks.

Becca grins. "You can't possibly be jealous."

Niall tilts his head. "Why not?"

She rubs her hand against the stubble on his cheek. "Because you are handsome and perfect."

"Thank you, Darling, but I assure you I get quite jealous when other men pay attention to you. Especially when they look and sound like Andre."

Becca wraps her arms around Niall's neck. "You are so much more handsome than he is. And by the way, your accent is way sexier."

Niall shakes his head, "Oh yeah, sure it is."

"I mean it. Say 37 for me, Baby."

He tickles her waist, causing her to giggle. "Funny."

"I love you, Horan."

He smiles, "I love you too, B." Kissing her lips, then pulling back, Niall asks, "What did you say to him?"

She blushes, "I believe I told him he was really hot."

Niall rolls her eyes, "Great."

"I blame it on the trauma." She winks.

Niall can't help but grin, She's so damn cute. "Can we go now, please?"

Becca pulls on her clothes. "Yep, I can't wait to tell Kara all about Hot Dr. Andre."

"Ah jeez."

Becca grabs Niall's shoulders, pulling herself up on her tiptoes. "Come here, Hot Niall." Her lips meet his, her tongue slipping in to find his. Niall's hand tangles into her hair as they continue the kiss. His other hand slides down her back to her ass. He releases the kiss long enough to whisper roughly to her, "Don't ever forget that you're mine, Darling."

"Mmm, I love it when you get all possessive, Irish."

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