Chapter 15

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Niall enters the practice facility, giving Steph a nod. He spots Becca immediately, making his way to her.

"Hey there."

"Steph call you?" Becca asks.

"Maybe. He was concerned about you; thought you might need me."

Becca can't help but smile. "I always need you. It's been a rough day, Horan."

"What happened?"

She takes a deep breath before filling Niall in on the Barbie situation.

"I'm sorry, B. That's not fair, you work very hard."

Becca shakes her head. "No, he's right."

Niall tilts his head to the side. "Right about what?"

"I don't give everything to the job like I used to."

Niall looks down, his shoulders drooping. "Is that my fault?"

Becca is so absorbed in her own thoughts that she doesn't even look at Niall or catch the pain in his voice. "Barbie got that promotion because she is willing to sacrifice everything else in her life for her job."

Niall wrings his hands. "Are you willing to sacrifice me...sacrifice us?"

Her focus returns, placing her hand on his thigh, she says, "No, of course not." Pausing, pulling her hand back. "I just need some time, Niall. Please."

Reluctant to leave her, he forces himself to stand. "I love you, B, with every part of me. I'll do anything to make you happy." He leans down, leaving a kiss on her forehead. "Hell, I'll buy you your own damn newspaper company if I have to."

A thought pops into her head as she watches him walk away.

Niall approaches Steph and his wife, Ayesha. "Thanks for calling me, Steph."

"Is everything better?"

"Unfortunately, no." He fills them in on the situation.

"Why don't I go talk to her? I have some experience with trying to juggle it all. You boys go have dinner." Ayesha offers.

"Thanks, Ayesha." Niall gives her a hug.


"Ayesha...I'm sorry, I was lost in my thoughts."

She takes a seat next to Becca. "Niall told us what's happening at your job. I'm really sorry."

"Thanks. I just really love what I do, and I've always devoted my life to it; until I met Niall. I guess I was hoping I could have it career, Niall, and at some point...children."

Ayesha smiles. "It's possible, look at me."

"You make it look so easy."

Ayesha laughs. "Well I'm glad it looks that way, but it isn't. It is so worth it though."

"Care to share your secret?" Becca asks.

"There's no secret. It's trial and error until you find what works for your family. Why don't we go get some coffee? I have a few ideas for you."

Becca reaches for the front door knob, but it's pulled open before she can reach it.

"A concerned Niall asks, "Are you alright, B?"

"I am. Sorry to make you worry; I just needed to work some stuff out."

Niall pulls her in for a big hug. Feeling his strong arms around her, Becca hadn't realized how much she needed this. "Let's talk, I have some ideas."

He takes her hand, leading her to the sofa. They sit, facing each other.

"Thanks for being patient with me, Irish."

"It wasn't easy, B. When something upsets you, I just want to fix it."

She lays her hand on Niall's knee. "I know, and I love that, but sometimes I need to figure it out for myself."

He lays his hand on top of hers, rubbing his thumb across it. "So what have you come up with?"

"I want to quit my job and start my own website. Everyone who already loves my articles can read them there instead."

"B, that sounds amazing. You'll be your own boss."

"The money will be a lot less, but I'll be able to travel with you more freely. I won't be tied down to a desk."

"Don't worry about the money." Niall says. "It's important that you can do what you love, the way you want."

"I spoke with my old boss at Sky Sports. He said he'd love for me to be a contract journalist for them."

"So they'll pay you by the article?"

"Yes. I'm really excited about the amount of freedom it will give me in my work."

Niall sits back, pulling Becca with him. She lays her head against his chest and he kisses the top of it. "You sound so happy about this decision, B. That's all I want, is for you to be happy."

She pulls back, looking into his eyes. "I'm always happy, Niall, because I'm with you. Something was just off with my career."

Niall grins. "When are you going to quit and can I watch?"

Becca laughs. "As soon as I possibly can, and of course you can be there."

"I'm so proud of you, B. You aren't scared to try something new."

"Who said I'm not scared?"

Niall grins. "B, you don't ever have to be afraid to try something new. I know you won't fail, but if you did, I'd be right there to catch you."

Becca's breath catches. "Right back at you, Horan. I love you."

"And I love you, Darling. Now what do you say we go to the bedroom and relieve some of that stress we were both feeling today?"

"Why do we have to go to the bedroom?" Becca smirks as she straddles him. "We can take care of that right here."

Niall's eyes flicker with want. "Mmm, I like how you think."

He barely finishes the sentence and her mouth is on his. Niall's hands move up and down her body as he whispers 'I love you' in her ear. At that moment, she finally, fully acknowledges to herself that Niall comes first. Honestly, he has since the moment we first made love.

You & I (Sequel to What A Feeling)Where stories live. Discover now