Chapter 4

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As Becca and Niall return to the room, Adam gives Becca a sweet smile. "Better?"

She returns his smile. "Yes."

Adam looks at Kara, nodding his head towards Becca. Kara takes a deep breath and approaches her. "I'm sorry. I just want you to have a perfect wedding."

"It's okay, Kara. I want that too, but if I'm marrying Niall, it will be perfect no matter when or where it takes place." Becca says, giving Niall a wink.

Kara grins. "Aww, I'm going to make a romantic out of you yet."

"Let's revisit each month and see what we can come up with." Becca says, reaching for her calendar.

After some debate and compromising, they've managed to come up with two potential dates.

"So, we have either early January, or early June." Becca says.

Niall takes her hand. "I don't want to wait until June. Can we make January work?"

Becca smiles. "I don't want to wait either. Let me check with my boss. If he can have someone else cover the NFL playoffs, we could do early January and I'd be back in time for the NHL All-Star Game and the Super Bowl."

"Next question." Kara grins. "Where are you going to get married; and how big of a wedding do you want?"
Becca blows out a breath. "Kara, you're going to make my head explode."

"Sweetie, you have to make decisions pretty quickly if you want to get married in January." Kara insists.

"We promise we will talk about all of that soon." Niall says as he squeezes Becca's hand. She immediately calms.

The next day, Becca knocks on her boss' door.

"Come in."

"Hello, Sir. I have a question." Becca says nervously.

"Of course, Becca. What is it?"

"I am trying to plan my wedding."

He looks up, as though remembering. "Oh yes, the Irish guy."

The term 'sexy leprechaun' pops into her head and she tries to push it away.

"I was hoping to take some time off at the beginning of January, but I'll be back for the NHL All-Star Game and the Super Bowl."

"So you'd miss the NFL playoffs?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Actually, that should be fine. I have a new journalist starting this week. She can cover that in your absence."

"She?" Becca asks.

He grins. "Yes, you'll no longer be the only woman."

Becca tries to ignore the sinking feeling she's having.

"Anything else?" Her boss asks.

"No, Sir. Thank you."

Becca waits until she gets home that evening to let Niall know she was able to get the time off.

"That's great, Babe." Niall pauses. "Why don't you seem happy?" He asks, concerned.

Becca takes his hand. "No, I'm very happy. There's something else. I'm overreacting I'm sure."

"Sit down, tell me about it while we eat." Niall insists.

"My boss mentioned that he hired a new female journalist. I immediately got this sinking feeling."

"Why do you think that is, Darling?"

"Women in this field tend to be extremely competitive. Honestly, it's easier to work with men."

"B, you are incredible at what you do. She can compete with you as much as she'd like, but she won't come close."

"Aww, thanks, Irish. You may be a bit biased though."

He leans over for a kiss. "I'm your biggest fan, B."

"I love you, Horan."

"I love you too. Are you gonna finish that?"

Becca laughs, picking up her plate and handing it to him. "No, I have a wedding dress to fit into." Becca pauses. "Shit. I have to pick a wedding dress."

Niall laughs. "Trust me, Babe, you will survive all this wedding stuff."

"Sure you don't just want to go to Vegas and get married by Elvis?"

Niall laughs. "Let's give this traditional wedding a shot. Vegas can be our backup plan."

After dinner, Niall takes Becca's hand, leading her to the backyard. Her breath catches as she sees how beautiful he's made it. He has strung hundreds of white twinkle lights, reminiscent of the balcony in Dublin.

"Niall, it's beautiful."

"I'm glad you like it, Darling. Let's plan our wedding." He directs her to the bench, then sitting beside her. "Kara gave me a checklist." Niall says.

"Oh geez."

Niall grins. "Do you want a large wedding or a small one?"

"Well, you probably know a lot of people, but I would prefer a small one."

Niall smiles. "Small it is."

Becca lays her hand on Niall's thigh. "Are you sure, Irish? You wouldn't prefer something bigger?"

He lays his hand on top of hers. "I want any kind of wedding that makes you mine forever, Gorgeous."

Turning her hand in his, entwining their fingers, Becca says, "Niall, we don't need a wedding to make me yours, I already am."

"I love you, B."

"And I really, really, really like you, Horan." Becca teases.

"Cute. You're gonna pay for that later, Missy."

Becca smirks. "Promise?"

Niall bites his lip. "Quit distracting me. And yes...that's a promise."

Becca laughs.

"Where shall we get married?" Niall asks.



"Uh oh, I know I'm in trouble when you call me Becca. The day you break out Rebecca, I'm running."

"You better." Niall grins.

"You pick this one, Niall. Where would you like our wedding to take place?"

Niall thinks..."Ireland."

Becca smiles. "Niall, I love that."

"You do?"

"Of course. It's beautiful there. How can I not love Ireland when it gave me you?"

"Ireland it is." Niall grins.

"So we have a date, a size, and a location." Becca says.

"Now you need a dress." Niall winks.

Becca rolls her eyes. "Why does that stress me out so much?"

"Let me make a couple calls and see if I can make it less stressful for ya." Niall squeezes her hand.

"Thank you, Irish. Now, do you want to keep working on that checklist...or do you want to take me to bed?"

Niall smirks, throwing the clipboard in the bushes. "What checklist? Come here, Gorgeous."

He picks Becca up, throwing her over his shoulder, carrying her to the bedroom. "You're gonna get it, Rebecca."

She smirks. "Oh shit!"

You & I (Sequel to What A Feeling)Where stories live. Discover now