Chapter 34

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Becca wakes to a kiss from her very own Disney prince.

"Good morning, my beautiful B."

"Good morning, my hot husband."

He laughs. "Unfortunately it's our last day here. We fly out early tomorrow."

"As long as I'm with you, Irish, it doesn't matter where we are."

Niall grins. "I love it when you're cheesy, B."

She pushes on his chest. "We better get up, it's almost lunch time."

Niall jumps out of bed. "I'm starving."

Becca shakes her head as she watches Niall dress quickly. "Guess I better hurry."

He turns, kissing her forehead. "Take your time, I'll get us a table and you can meet me when you're ready."

As Becca arrives at the outdoor restaurant, she spots Niall playing football with some young kids on the large grassy area. She can hear his genuine laugh across the yard.

"Mrs. Horan, right this way." The hostess leads her to a table. "Your husband is playing football with the children."

"I see that. Thank you very much." Becca glances at the menu, but her gaze keeps

returning to Niall with the children. She grins, thinking, He's so cute with the kids. She catches Niall's eye and waves. He smiles and winks, holding up one finger to let her know he'll be right there.

"Do you have any children?"

The sudden appearance of the waitress startles Becca. "Um, no, we just got married."

"You should get started soon, he'll be a great dad." The waitress says as she leaves their coffee then disappears.

What the hell is with the waitresses here? Becca thinks.

"Hey, Darling." Niall says before kissing her, then taking the seat across from her. He proceeds to tell her all about the kids until the food arrives, then he becomes very quiet, concentrating on his meal.

Becca eats slowly, her mind racing. She's never thought a lot about having children with Niall. It was just always somewhere in her mind, the assumption that of course they'd have children someday. Now, all of a sudden, it was at the forefront of her mind.


She shakes the thought from her mind. Plenty of time for that, no rush. "Yes?"

"I was saying, how about some shopping this afternoon and tonight we'll finally take that stroll through Paris?"

She reaches across the table, resting her hand on his. "That sounds perfect." Her thoughts return to normal as they discuss their plans to fly to London and spend a week there before returning to California.

"That will give you some time to think about the Sky Sports offer."

Before Becca can reply, a little girl approaches Niall, tugging on his shirt. He looks down, "Well, hello, Love."

She hands him a tiny pink football.

"This is a lovely ball." He tells her, not sure if she understands him.

Her mother approaches. "I'm so sorry. She saw you playing football with the big kids and she wanted you to play with her." Taking the little girl's hand, she says, "Come on, Rebecca."

Niall grins, catching Becca's eye. "It's fine." He tells the girl's mother.

"Are you sure?" She asks, looking to Becca.

Becca nods.

"You have a great name." He tells the little girl. "It's my beautiful wife's name."

The little girl looks at Becca, grinning.

"Shall we kick or play catch?" Niall asks little Rebecca, demonstrating both. She chooses catch.

Becca watches the dark haired, blue eyed little girl stand a foot away from Niall, tossing the ball to him. She must be around three years old. Becca looks up at Niall, he has a sparkle in his eyes. Looking up at the beautiful, clear sky, she thinks, What are you trying to tell me?

Niall has hired a french bodyguard to accompany them on their evening stroll through Paris. Not only is the gentleman very nice and discreet, but he's also directed them to some very romantic, unknown to tourists, streets to stroll through.

"It's so beautiful, Niall. This is a perfect way to end our honeymoon. I love you."

Niall kisses her cheek. "I love you too, B. I hope you don't mind our company. I just couldn't take a chance of anything happening to you again."

Becca looks back at the large bodyguard. "I don't mind."

"So, is Kara going crazy without you?" Niall asks.

"You know, it's really strange, I haven't heard from her."


"I haven't talked to her since before the whole pap mess."

"Maybe she's just giving us some uninterrupted time."

Becca grins. "Kara?"

Niall laughs. "True. I'm sure she's fine, B."

"Maybe Adam is just keeping her busy." Becca winks.

Niall smirks, whispering in her ear, "You mean in the way I intend to keep you busy when we get back to the hotel?" He grins when he hears her breath catch.

You & I (Sequel to What A Feeling)Where stories live. Discover now