Chapter 11

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As Becca drives up the winding mountain road and the house comes into view, her breath catches. "Niall, it's amazing."

"Let's go check it out."

The house is quite grand. It has large windows throughout, with either spectacular ocean or mountain views. The inside has an open floor plan with modern, comfortable decor.

Becca's eyes are immediately drawn to the large deck. She grabs Niall's hand, pulling him with her. As they step out on the deck, Becca is speechless.

Niall squeezes her hand. "It's an incredible view of the coastline. The water is so blue."

Becca turns to him, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Thank you, Niall. I love it."

"You're welcome. It's quite spectacular, but still not as beautiful as you, My Love."

She pulls his neck down for a kiss. "You are too sweet, Irish."

"You enjoy the deck, I'll go get our bags." Niall pauses at the door, looking back at Becca as she gazes out at the ocean. I can't imagine a life without my beautiful B.

Niall grabs the suitcases and makes his way to the master bedroom. Wow. He thinks as he sets the bags down. This is incredible.

The room has a large bed, a fireplace, and an overstuffed chair. It's quite a spacious room, surrounded by large windows with ocean views. It opens up onto the deck.

Niall takes a quick peek in the bathroom before stepping out onto the deck. "B." He calls.

She pops around the corner. "The deck wraps around here too?"

Niall grins. "Come see our bedroom." He steps back into the room, as she follows him.

Her eyes grow wide. "Niall, this is perfect."

He takes her hand. "Come with me." Leading her to the bathroom.

She takes in the large jacuzzi tub, spacious shower and ocean views. Hopping up to sit on the counter, she says. "This whole place is amazing. You did good, Horan."

He laughs, moving to stand in front of her. She opens her legs and he slides in, wrapping his arms around her. "Looks like we could have a bit of fun in here. What do you think, Birthday Girl?"

"Mmm, I agree."

"How about we have some lunch out on the deck, then we'll go from there?" He slips his hands under her shirt, rubbing her back.

"I'll unpack while you make lunch."

"I love you, B." He says, before kissing her, then grazing his hands from her back to across her stomach.

As he leaves the room, Becca says, "I love you too, even though you're a tease." She can hear him cackling as he makes his way to the kitchen.

She unpacks Niall's suitcase first, then opens her own. You've got to be kidding me. She searches through the suitcase; grabbing a couple items and taking them with her to the kitchen, yelling as she walks. "Niall James Horan!"

His head pops up at the sound of his full name. Uh oh, I'm in trouble.

Becca enters the kitchen with lacey blue lingerie in her hand. "You packed for me?"

Niall grins, "Yep."

"It's ninety percent lingerie, Horan. I'm going to freeze."

He makes his way to her, looking down into her beautiful eyes. "I'll keep you warm, My Love." Raising his eyebrows.

She pushes on his chest. "If you weren't so cute, I'd kick your ass."

Niall takes the lacey pieces from her. "Maybe we should skip lunch?"

Becca rolls her eyes.

He leans in close, whispering in her ear. "Why don't you check out those bags on the sofa?"

She crosses the room, not remembering those shopping bags being there before. Looking through them she finds an abundance of new clothes for her. She turns back to Niall.

"I had Kara go shopping with me; she helped me pick them out. Do you like them?" He asks.

Becca rests her hands on his waist. "I'm sorry I gave you a hard time about the lingerie, and yes, I love them. Thank you."

"I'm gonna be honest, Babe. I don't think you'll be needing clothes here"

Becca laughs. "I think you're right, Irish."

"It's a bit cold. Maybe I should start a fire in the bedroom and we'll have lunch in there?" Niall winks.

She helps him carry lunch into the bedroom. While he's starting the fire, Becca slips into the bathroom. She emerges wearing the lacey blue lingerie.

Niall whistles as she walks towards him. "You are the sexiest birthday girl I've ever seen."

Becca blushes.

"Aww, B, after all this time we've been together, you're still blushing."

"I just always want you to think I'm beautiful." Becca shyly bites her lip.

Niall cups her cheek. "You don't have to worry, B. You'll always be the most beautiful woman in the world to me." Then lightly trailing his hand down to her neck, past her shoulder, down her body, pausing at her hips and pulling her close to him. "And I'll always want you as much as I do right now."

Becca can feel her heart begin to pound as Niall's lips meet hers. His tongue urgently slips in to find hers. She can feel how badly he wants her and it fuels her own desire. Grazing his tongue with her teeth, causing him to growl.

Niall pulls back, taking her hand and leading her to the bed.

Becca lays back, watching him undress, admiring every perfect inch of his body.

He climbs on the bed, laying beside her, beginning with soft kisses and light touches. Taking his time to remove all of her lace. "Absolutely beautiful." He says, before sliding down the bed to give her some special attention.

Grabbing a handful of Niall's hair, Becca arches her back, overwhelmed by the pleasure building up in her body. "Mmm, Niall." Just when she thinks she can take no more, he grants her the sweet release she is needing. Her body tightening, then releasing, a perfect euphoria overcoming her as she screams out his name.

Niall hovers above her. "Happy birthday, Darling."

Becca grins, "Mmm, you are really good at spoiling me, Irish."

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