Chapter 10

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Becca's eyes open slowly, her brain trying to comprehend what she's hearing. Her hand reaches out, finding Niall's spot empty.

Even before the bedroom door opens, she takes in the scent of french roast coffee and bacon.

The door swings open. "Happy Birthday, Gorgeous!"

Becca can feel her heart race as she watches the man she loves. He's singing 'Happy Birthday' as loudly as he can, wearing nothing but his black 'Ellen' boxer briefs. Setting the tray of food on her lap, then handing her a bouquet of balloons. "Happy birthday, B." He says, sweetly. The kiss that follows causes her toes to curl. Opening her eyes, she finds the cheesiest, cutest grin she's ever seen. "Thank you, Irish."

Niall carefully climbs onto the bed to sit beside her, grabbing a piece of bacon for himself.

"Niall? Does that balloon say 'Happy Birthday Slugger'?" Becca asks with a smirk.

With complete seriousness, Niall responds. "Yeah, that's the only baseball one they had."

Can he be any more adorable? "I love it." She grins, looking at the clock. "I better eat so I can get ready for work."

Niall picks up the fork, first feeding the birthday girl some eggs then taking a forkful for himself. "You don't have to get ready for work."

Becca's brows furrow. "Am I going to work in this?" Referring to her bra and panties.

Niall shakes his head. "Hell no. That Grant guy would enjoy that too much."

She can't help but smile at his jealousy. "Then I need to get dressed."

Niall feeds her a bit of bacon then takes the rest for himself. "You have today and tomorrow off, My Love."

"How? I have to save any time off for the wedding."

"I talked to your boss. He was so happy with all your hard work covering the World Series, that he agreed you deserve a couple days off." Niall grins.

Becca feels a bit of conflict brewing inside her, but now is not the time. Leaning over, she gives Niall a kiss, feeling his rough whiskers against her soft lips. "Thank you for thinking of me. What are we going to do?"

Niall wipes his mouth after finishing the breakfast. "We are going on a short trip."

Becca grins. "We are? Where are we going?" Then throwing back the covers, "I need to pack."

Niall grabs her arm, pausing her. "I already did." He points to the suitcases across the room.

"Impressive, Irish." She grins. "Then let's go."

"Hold on." With a naughty sparkle in his blue eyes, he says, "I have a present for you."

Leaning over, resting her hand on his thigh and leaving a long kiss on his perfect lips, she says, "I thought you were my present, Irish."

"Funny you should say that, Babe. Come with me." Leading her to the shower, he turns it on then says, "Unwrap me."

Becca grins. "You don't have much on for me to unwrap."

"I did that on purpose, so you can get to the good stuff sooner." He smirks.

She laughs, then bites her lip as she removes his boxers.

After he helps her undress, they step under the stream of warm water. Niall pushes her up against the cold tile, his body against hers. She looks up into his eyes, finding them full of love and desire.

"I love you, B. Happy birthday, Sweetheart."

Becca enters the bedroom, finding Niall sitting in a chair, his legs wide open, looking sexy as hell.

"Did ya enjoy your first present?" Niall smirks.

She grins. "That present was amazing, I'm pretty sure you can't top that."

"Hmm, we'll see about that. Are you ready?"

Becca takes his hand. "I am."

As they walk out the front door, the sight before her causes Becca to drop Niall's hand, bringing both of hers to her mouth. In complete shock, she looks at Niall for confirmation.

He nods. "It's all yours, B."

The tears pooled in her eyes spill over now. In front of her is a brand new, pearl white, Mustang.

Niall drapes his arm across her shoulders, kissing her forehead. "Happy birthday, My Love."

"Niall, it's too much."

He shakes his head, squeezing her shoulder. "No it's not. Yours is getting old and I wanted to treat you to something special."

"Are you sure, Irish?"

"I am."

Becca grins. "Good, because I love it!"

Niall laughs. "I'm glad. Now come on and drive us to our getaway."

She takes the keys from him, walking the length of the car before sliding into the driver's seat. "It's perfect."

"I thought you might feel that way." Niall winks.

"Where are we going, Irish?"

"It's all programmed in the navigation system."

Becca checks the screen. "Big Sur?"

"Yep. I got us a house on the cliffs overlooking the ocean." He leans across the console to kiss her. "Just me, spoiling the birthday girl."

Becca reaches for his hand, "I think you've already spoiled the hell out of me."

Niall smiles. "Well, I better step up my game then. There's a lot more spoiling to be done."

"Thank you again, Irish."

"You're welcome, Darling. Now let's go."

Putting the Mustang in gear, Becca says, "Let's see what she can do?"

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