Chapter 5

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"I'm glad you wanted to get together for lunch, Becca." Kara says.

"I need you to give me one of your famous pep talks." Becca replies.

"Uh oh, what did the leprechaun do now?"

Becca smirks. "No, Niall's perfect."

Kara grins. "Hmm, does that smirk mean he dipped into your pot of gold this morning?"

Becca shakes her head. "Oh my God, Kara. Where do you come up with this stuff?"

Kara laughs. "It's a gift."

"My parents are coming over to meet Niall tonight."

"Oh shit."

Becca frowns. "Thanks for the pep talk, Kara."

Kara laughs. "Sorry. Niall's a great guy, what's the problem?"

"I know my mom will love him. My dad and I don't really get along. I'm afraid he'll say something embarrassing."

"Becca, Niall loves you and he will continue to love you if your dad acts like a jerk."

"I'm just really stressed out about it." Becca frowns.

"Look, just have Niall do you in the kitchen before they get there."


"What? Like you haven't done it in the kitchen."

Becca rolls her eyes.

"If you haven't you totally should, it's amazing. You just have to check your counter height. Adam is taller, so the counter in my apartment is perfect."

"Kara! Stop. The next time I see Adam, I do not want that image in my brain."

Kara laughs loudly. "Got your mind off the stress though, didn't I?"

Becca grins. "That you did."

Niall meets Becca at the door with a beer. "I thought you might need this." He says as he hands her the bottle, taking her things from her.

"Thank you, Irish. Know what else I need?"

Niall grins. "Maybe this?" He says before kissing her.

"Mmm, that's exactly what I needed."

"Glad to help." Niall laughs. "By the way, your mum sent me a text. They should be here any minute."

"Okay...wait my mom sent YOU a text?"

"Yeah. We've been texting all afternoon. Your mum is great, I don't know why you were worried."

"My Mom is great. It's my Dad I'm worried about."

Becca jumps at the sound of the doorbell.

Niall laughs. "B, it's fine." He takes her hand leading her to the door.

"Becca!" Her mom cries, pulling her into a hug. "I've missed you."

"Hi, Mom. I've missed you too."

Her mom pulls back. "Niall!" She pulls him into a hug.

Becca laughs. "Niall, this is my mom, Dora. You already know that though since apparently you two are besties."

Niall cackles. "It's good to me ya in person, Mum."

"Your accent is adorable, Niall." She replies.

"Thanks." Niall blushes.

"Hi, Dad." Becca says.


"Niall, this is my dad, Keith."

Niall extends his hand. "Nice to meet you, Sir."

"This place must have cost you a fortune." Becca's dad says looking around the entryway.

"Well, this is California." Niall replies. "Come on in."

Niall takes Becca's hand, leading the couple into the living room.

"The house is beautiful, you two." Dora says.

"I'm sure Niall paid for it. Becca can't make enough to afford this." Keith says.

"Actually, Sir, Becca has a great contract. We share all the expenses." Niall insists.

Becca squeezes his hand.

"I'm very proud of you, Becca.; and I have to admit, I like having you back in the states." Dora says.

"Thanks, Mom. I'll get everyone some drinks."

As the visit progresses, Becca notices that it's not as bad as she thought. Her dad has made some rude comments here and there, but Niall and her mom have done a good job of diffusing them.

"So Mum, would you like to help with the wedding plans?" Niall asks.

"I'd love to." She smiles.

"Good. It's going to be a small wedding, in January, in Ireland." Niall says.

"That sounds perfect." Her mom gushes.

"Sounds expensive. Who's paying for all this?" Becca's dad asks.

"Don't worry, Sir. Becca and I will be covering the costs." Niall assures him.

"Cause I don't have that kind of money."

"Keith! Stop." Dora says, clearly embarrassed.

"We'll keep you updated on all the plans, Mom." Becca says.

"We should go, let you two have the rest of the evening to yourselves." Dora says.

Niall grins, catching the wink she gives them.

At the door, Niall shakes hands with Keith. "It was nice to meet you, Sir."

"You too." He says, then heads out the door to the car.

Becca's mom gives her a big hug. "I'll talk to you soon." Then she gives Niall a hug. "First off, Niall, I'm sorry about that." She nods her head in the direction of Becca's dad.

"It's alright." He says.

"I'm glad Becca found someone like you. Take good care of her, Niall."

He grins. "I will, Mum. I promise."

As Niall closes the door, Becca blows out a breath.

"Ahh, it wasn't that bad, Darling."

Becca takes his arm as they walk back to the living room together.

"It's funny, his attitude doesn't seem to bother me as much as it used to."

Niall rests his arm around her shoulders as they get comfortable on the couch.

"I think your mum is proud enough of you for the both of them." He grins.

Becca smiles.

"I really like your mum."

Becca laughs. "You mean your new bestie?"

"Darling, you do know that in all of this, the only thing that really matters is how much you and I love each other." Niall says.

"How romantic, Horan." Becca teases.

Niall laughs.

"I'm kidding. I do know that." Becca settles in, letting her body mold against his. "I love you, Irish."

Niall rests his head on hers. "I love you, B."

You & I (Sequel to What A Feeling)Where stories live. Discover now