Chapter 25

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Becca stands in the beautiful church, trying not to focus on her worst fear...that Niall won't make it back in time.

"I explained the situation to the priest. He says you can just have someone else fill in for Niall tonight."

"Thanks, Kara." Becca looks up to hold back the tears.

"Damn it, Becca, you're gonna make me cry and I'm not wearing waterproof mascara." Kara pouts.

Becca laughs.

"There's the beautiful bride."

Becca turns with a smile. "Louis!" She gives him a big hug then takes Freddie from him. "Hi, Birthday Boy."

Freddie grins and giggles.

"I have a favor to ask, Louis. Since Niall's not here, can you fill in for him?"

"Well, Love, this is sudden but...sure I'll marry you." Louis winks.

"Just for tonight, Louis."

"Just tonight? Not for the honeymoon?"

Becca blushes. "I think Niall will want to handle that himself."

Louis laughs. "If you change your mind let me know."

Becca has the difficult task of greeting all of the wedding party, family, and friends; along with explaining why Niall isn't there. She's nearly exhausted by the time the actual rehearsal starts. The wedding planner explains how the ceremony will unfold, and Becca listens, but her heart is elsewhere.

As she walks down the aisle, Louis stands at the altar making silly faces. She laughs, grateful for the distraction. When she reaches the steps, he takes her hand, helping her to the altar. "Don't worry, Love, he'll be here."

"Thanks, Louis."

When the priest directs them to walk down the aisle, Louis pauses Becca. "One sec." He pulls out his camera, taking a selfie of them. He has his arm around her shoulder, his head leaning against hers, the church clearly in the background.

When they reach the end of the aisle Louis sends it to Niall with the message, 'Better hurry back, lad, she's found a replacement. Some may even say she upgraded.' Louis laughs as he hits send.

"Are you torturing Niall?" Becca asks.

Louis smirks. "Maybe just a little." His phone beeps, he laughs at Niall's response. 'Not funny, Tommo.'

Back at the house, after the dinner, Becca and Kara sit on the couch with some wine. "Thanks for staying with me, Kara, but honestly I thought I'd be with Niall tonight."

"No, you guys are supposed to spend the night before your wedding apart." Kara insists.

"What if he doesn't make it back in time?" Becca frowns.

"I'll kick his ass." Kara says. "Oh, you mean with the wedding."

Becca nods.

"I'm sure he'll be back in time. If not...I say take Louis up on his offer."


"What? He's hot."

"Let's change the subject before I cry. So where is Niall taking me on our honeymoon?" Becca asks.

"What makes you think I know?"

"He said you packed for me."

"Oh. I'm not telling."


"All I'll say is you're going to love it."

"You're not a very good Maid of Honor."

"Excuse me. I am the best M.O.H. ever."

Becca laughs. "I should have had a trophy made for you."

Kara acts shocked. " didn't? I'm out of here." She grabs the bottle of wine, heading for the door.

"We haven't had dessert yet." Becca says.

Kara stops, returning to the couch. "I'll stay."

Becca grins, "I thought you might."

Becca wakes the next morning to the sound of her phone ringing. "Niall?"

"Happy Wedding Day, Darling."

"Please tell me you're in Mullingar."


Becca lets out the breath she was holding.

"We're driving to the closest open airport, then I'll fly in from there." Niall says.

"And the timing?"

"If everything goes smoothly I should be back just in time."

"If it doesn't go smoothly?"

"Well, let's just pray it does. Look, B, I know I need to make this up to you and I intend to start tonight."

"You better hydrate, Horan, cause you're gonna be up all night making it up to me."

He cackles, "It will be my pleasure, Mrs. Horan."

"Don't call me that until you get your sexy Irish ass back here like you promised."

"You think my ass is sexy?"

Becca rolls her eyes. "Get back to me...safely."

At the church, Becca is admiring the hundreds of green and yellow flowers gracing the sanctuary.

"Hey, Becca."

She turns to find Louis, Liam, and Harry. "Niall asked us to come early and check on you." Liam says.

"Thanks guys. Honestly, I'm kind of a wreck right now."

Louis grins. "My offer still stands." He holds up his garment bag. "I've got the tux and everything."

Becca smiles. "Don't tempt me right now."

Kara puts her hand on Becca's shoulder. "Time to start getting ready."

Becca nods, turning to the guys. "I don't want any updates unless it's that he's here or that he's not going to make it on time."

They each nod agreement, then give her a hug. "It will all work out, Becca." Harry says with a smile.

"Kara, what time is it?"

"I'm not telling you, Becca."

"What kind of bride's room doesn't have a clock?"

"It's because of neurotic brides like you."

"Of course I'm neurotic, I don't have a groom!"

Kara grins. "But you look amazing." She leads Becca over to the full length mirror, standing beside her. "Everything about you is perfect, Sweetie."

Becca's long hair is curled and laying over her shoulders. A delicate braid at each temple, pulled to the back and attached with a ruby barrette. The result a very feminine look. Her makeup in neutral colors is bringing out her pretty features. The dress fits her curves perfectly as though it was made just for her. The red sash laced down the back makes it uniquely her.

"I can't wait for Niall to see my dress." Becca smiles, still full of hope as the minutes tick down. "It's almost time isn't it?"

Kara nods. "Fifteen minutes until the ceremony is supposed to start. Liam, let everyone know that it may start a bit late."

A knock on the door interrupts them.

"I'll get it." Kara says.

Becca can't see or hear who is on the other side of the door, however she feels her world go black when she hears Kara say, "No. Oh God."

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