Chapter 13

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Becca gets ready for work while Niall takes a call. He returns to the room, a nervous look on his face.

"What's up, Irish?"

Niall leans against the wall. "They want me to perform my song at the AMAs."

Becca smiles, rushing across the room to him. "Niall, that's amazing."

"I'm a bit nervous. I mean I'm getting better at this performing by myself thing, but...this is a big show."

Becca wraps her arms around his waist. "Do you remember when you encouraged me to do that televised reporting for the Warriors?"
"Of course, Darling; You were incredible."

"That's because you supported me and believed in me. And you know what, Horan? I believe in you. You can do this." She gets on her tiptoes to kiss him. "You'll be amazing, Niall."

"Thanks, Babe."

Becca runs her fingers through his hair. "Are you going to color your hair?"

"Nah, it's becoming a pain in the arse."

Becca grins. "Good, I like it dark."

"Ya do, do ya?"

"Yep. It's like being with a different man."

"Hey!" Niall protests.

Becca laughs.

"I love you, B."

"I love you too, Niall. And I'm very proud of you."

He leans in for a kiss, "Maybe you can be late for work?"

"Mmm, I wish, but not if I want to ask for Sunday off for the AMAs. That is if you want me to be your date?"

Niall pretends to think about it. "Well..."

Becca grabs her bag, turning to leave the room.

Niall grabs her arm, pulling her back to him. He tells her in a quiet, raspy voice, "Of course I want you to be my date. You know you're my only girl. I can't do this without you there, B."

Becca somehow manages to write a couple articles this morning, even though she's nervous about asking her boss for Sunday off.


She looks up, startled. "Kara. Is it lunch time already?"

"Sure is. Are you too busy for lunch?"

"No, I'm just nervous about asking my boss for Sunday off."

"Oh yeah, Niall called Adam. That's so great."

Becca grins. "It's so amazing for Niall. I'm so proud of him."

"But?" Kara asks.

"I'm afraid my boss will give me a hard time, but I have to be there. Niall said he can't do it without me. Kara, I can't let him down."

"Then don't. If your boss says no, tell him you quit."

"Kara, it's not that easy. My old boss at Sky Sports was so much easier to deal with."

"Yeah, too bad Niall had to be a stupid guy or you'd still have that job, and we'd all still be in London." Kara says.

Standing up to face her friend, Becca asks, "Do you miss London, Kara?"

She nods. "I do."

"I do too sometimes." Becca confesses.

"Better go talk to your boss." Kara pushes.

You & I (Sequel to What A Feeling)Where stories live. Discover now