Chapter 27

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Niall and Becca take a few moments alone together. "You are the most beautiful bride I've ever seen, B. This dress is perfect for you."

"I'm glad you like it, Irish."

Niall pulls her in close, his arms around her waist. "Here we are...Mrs. Horan." He says, getting choked up.

"Are you okay, Niall?"

"I'm just a bit emotional. There were times I was afraid this day would never come. I can't imagine life without you."

Becca wraps her arms around his neck. "How did I ever resist you, my sexy leprechaun?"

He grins, "I don't know. I'm quite irresistible."

Becca smirks, "That you are." She pulls his head down, kissing him; sweetly at first then becoming more passionate.

"Mmm, are you sure we have to go to the reception?"

She grins. "I think it's required."

"But, B, it's been too long since we've been together." He says, raising his eyebrows.

"I agree. Just think, you don't even know what I have on under this dress."

"Damn, B."

She laughs. "I love you, my husband."

"I quite like the sound of that. I love you, my wife." Just as his lips meet hers, there's a knock at the door.

"Time for pictures." The wedding planner says.

Niall takes her hand, winking. "Come on, Horan."

Becca squeezes his hand. "I love my new name."

Niall leans down, kissing her forehead. "And I love that I can share it with you."

The pictures take a little longer than normal because both Becca and Niall have trouble taking their eyes off of each other.

On the ride to the reception, they cuddle in the back of the limo. "So when do I find out where we're going on our honeymoon?"

Niall smirks. "When we get there."

Becca playfully slaps his arm. "When will that be?"

"We'll stay at the house tonight and leave tomorrow morning for our surprise destination."

"How long is the flight?"

"Nope, I'm not telling ya that."

Becca trails her hand from his knee up to his thigh. "Is there a way I could persuade you to tell me?"

Niall smirks. "Maybe."

She moves her hand even higher as she kisses his neck.

"Mmm." Niall moans.

Just then they feel the car stop and hear the driver's door open and close again. Becca removes her hand as they both mutter, "Crap." Exiting the car and making their way to the hall, Niall whispers in her ear, "I totally would have caved."

"Damn." Becca whispers as he cackles.

"B, this looks incredible." Niall says, taking in the finished hall. "Quite romantic actually.

Honestly, instead of all this flowy fabric, I expected a batting cage and putting green."

Becca smirks, pointing across the room. Separate from the romantic, dreamy decor is a small putting green and a batting cage.

"No way! You are the best wife ever." Niall cries. He continues to take in the room. "That's quite sweet what ya did for little Freddie." Becca has a special area set up for the birthday boy with balloons, toys and his very own cake.

"Let's go see our cakes." Becca leads Niall to the table displaying their large wedding cake. It's very simple and classy. All white with intricate piping. Beside the larger cake, they each have an individual cake. Becca's is in the shape of a baseball field, complete with a mini Becca and Niall on it, replicating their proposal. Niall's cake is of Pride Park Stadium, where his team, Derby plays. In the stands is a mini Niall and Becca, replicating their early days together.

"They turned out amazing. I hate to eat them."

"Really?" Becca asks.

Niall grins. "Nah, who am I kidding? Speaking of which, I'm hungry."

Becca laughs, "Let's get you some food."

After the meal, Kara and Adam offer a toast. Kara begins, "I remember the night Becca met Niall. I'd never seen her so flustered. She told me she didn't have time for a relationship, but I could see he'd already gotten under her skin. I've had the pleasure of watching the love between these two grow by leaps and bounds. They share the kind of love that we all dream about. Not only are they the best of friends, they are the most passionate of lovers...I can attest to that because I lived next door and the walls were paper thin." Everyone laughs as Becca turns every shade of red there is.

"Don't be embarrassed, Becca. You sure sounded happy."

Niall stands up, taking a bow.

"Sit down, Horan. You sounded even happier." Kara laughs.

Niall nods with a grin, putting his arm around Becca, kissing her red cheek.

"Alright, enough teasing. Seriously, I wish you two a lifetime of happiness, health, and more love than you can handle. Oh yeah, and lots of babies."

Becca shakes her head as Niall laughs. Kara holds up her glass, "To the perfect couple. Cheers."

Adam takes his turn. "I remember the day Niall first saw Becca. He'd asked me if I knew who she was. I'd never seen him so taken with a girl before. When he thought we'd missed her after the game, he looked like someone had kicked his dog. As his wingman, I had no choice but to get us into that locker room. Once I introduced them, my work as his wingman was over. Niall won her over all by himself. I'm not sure I've ever known two people more perfect for each other. I wish you both a life full of blessings and sports...lots of sports. To Mr. and Mrs. Horan. Cheers."

Niall takes Becca's hand, leading her to the dance floor. They've decided to breakaway from tradition a bit. Instead of having one song as their first dance, they've each chosen a song; a surprise to the other. They've invited everyone to join them. It's Becca's attempt to not have all eyes on her, but it fails as everyone watches them; captivated by the deep love between them.

Becca's song is first. She's chosen Nightingale by Demi Lovato. Niall holds her in his arms, their eyes locked on each others as they sway to the music. She quietly sings the words to him, forgetting anyone else is in the room.

Before his song begins, he whispers in her ear, "I love it and I will always sing to you, whenever you want, my love."

Becca kisses him, smiling as his song begins.

Knowing she's a big Justin Timberlake fan, he's chosen one of his songs. Rather than going for something obvious like Mirrors, instead he's picked a song off the Justified album called Take It From Here.

With Niall's arms around her waist and hers locked around his neck, he sings along to her. Her heart races, the look in his eyes, the sound of his voice overwhelming her. I can't imagine loving this incredible man more than I do right now.

As the song concludes, Becca says. "It's perfect, Niall. Especially when you sing it to me."

He smiles. "I'll always be here for you, B; how ever you need me. Either standing beside you supporting you or standing in front of you, protecting you."

"Damn it, Horan. Every time I think you can't get more sweet or more prove me wrong."

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