Chapter 14

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The next morning before they board the plane home to the bay, Becca finally remembers to check her phone. She grins thinking of how Niall had kept her otherwise occupied.

She has several text messages, most of them from Kara.

'We just watched Niall's performance. He did great!'

'Are you just so proud of your sexy leprechaun?'

'Have you met any celebrities?'


'Can I just say I do not agree with all the winners. <insert eye roll>'


'Did you meet Shawn Mendes? He's so hot. Not as hot as Adam tho.'

'Becca? Are you okay?'

'Nevermind. I know what you're doing. Get it gurl.'

Becca laughs out loud.

"What is it?" Niall asks as they take their seats on the private jet.


Niall grins. "I shoulda known. What did she do now?"

"She sent me about a million text messages last night." Becca hands him her phone to read the messages.

"You know your friend is crazy, right?"

Becca laughs. "Yes, I wouldn't have it any other way."

"I don't know how Adam puts up with her."

Becca grins. "I'm sure she makes it worth his while."

Niall makes a disgusted face. "Ah geez. Now I've got that image in my head."

Becca laughs, returning to her phone. There's a message from Grant.

'Call me as soon as you can. Barbie news.'

Becca tries Grant's number. No answer, but she leaves a message.

"What's wrong?" Niall asks.

"Grant left me a message that something is up with Barbie. I can't get ahold of him to find out what it is."

"Maybe she quit." Niall raises his eyebrows.

"I have this sinking feeling that it's nothing good."

Once they arrive home, Becca heads straight to the office. On the way she tries Grant a couple more times, still no answer.

The moment she steps off the elevator, Grant is there. "Come with me." He says, pulling her into an empty conference room.

"What the hell is going on?"

"I'm really sorry, Becca."

"Grant, what the hell is it?"

"Barbie got a promotion. She's going to be our supervisor now." Grant frowns.

"No. That's the promotion they told me I was a shoe in for when they hired me." Becca sits down, putting her head in her hands.

Grant moves next to her, rubbing her back. "I'm really sorry. She doesn't deserve it."

Becca blows out a breath, trying to diffuse the anger and disappointment.

"I don't know that I can take orders from that bitch."

"I was thinking the same thing." Grant says, still rubbing her back.

Becca stands up. "Thanks for being so sweet, Grant. I need to find out why the hell this happened."

Heading straight to the boss's office, Becca doesn't even look in Barbie's direction.

"Becca, I thought I'd be seeing you." The boss says.

She shuts the door and takes a seat. "When I was offered this job, I was told I was a shoe in for the upcoming promotion."

"At the time you were." The boss says.

"Then why did you give it to someone else, without even talking to me?"

"Look, Becca, I'm going to be straight with you. Your attention has been more focused on your boyfriend lately. Barbie has made it clear that her attention is solely on this job. No upcoming wedding and honeymoon, like you; which I'm sure will be followed by a pregnancy."

"That's not fair. You can't judge me by my private life. Have I ever turned an assignment in late?"

"No. However, I need someone who is married to this job, not a popstar."

Becca stands. "Niall is a talented musician and I am a damn good reporter who knows way more about sports than your Barbie doll out there. Maybe you should ask the athletes who they'd rather give an interview to. If you were out in the field you'd know they can't stand her."

"Well then as your boss, she can send you out on those interviews." He says.

"I don't know why you don't like me personally, but that shouldn't affect my job." Becca leaves his office only to run into Barbie.

"I'm sure you're aware of my new position. I told you I'd be number one. Now, I need you to cover the Forty Niners press conference." Barbie smirks.

Becca rolls her eyes. "I will cover the Niners press conference and send the article to

you this afternoon."

As Becca walks away, Barbie says, "He doesn't like you because you're dating a celebrity."

Grant meets Becca at the elevator. "Want me to go with you?"

"No thanks, Grant. I just really want to be alone."

After the press conference, Becca sits at a coffee shop writing the article. It just about breaks her heart when she types in Barbie's email address. Taking a few minutes, she checks her emails. A response from Barbie comes through.

'Pretty good, but next time please step it up a bit.'

Bitch, you know that's the best damn article you've ever read.

Becca closes her laptop; getting into her beautiful Mustang, she heads to her happy place.

"Hey, Becca. How are you?"

"Hi Steph. I've been better. Things are kind of rough at work right now."

The talented, kind athlete pulls her in for a hug. "You'll let me know if you need anything, right?"

"I will. Thanks, Steph. I'm just gonna watch practice for a bit, if that's okay?"

He smiles. "Of course. You know you're always welcome here."

Steph watches as Becca takes a seat, then sneaks into the locker room to make a quick call.

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